CHAPTER 13: Does Fourth Have A Chance?

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Gemini was at a loss for words as Fourth covered his face and began to cry. Gemini approached Fourth and hugged him,

trying to comfort him. Fourth buried his face in Gemini's stomach and continued to cry.

"Please stop crying, Fourth. Please don't cry," Gemini said, gently stroking Fourth's hair. Fourth then grabbed Gemini's wrist, saying,

"Don't do that. You're making me want to do something I shouldn't." Fourth continued to cry.

Gemini realized that stroking Fourth's hair was turning him on. "I'm sorry," Gemini apologized.

Fourth stopped crying and looked up at Gemini, confessing, "I like you, Gemini. I hope you still feel the same way after what happened."

Gemini reassured Fourth, saying, "I still like you, but let's take things slow this time. I want to do things right."

Gemini sat down next to Fourth and apologized for everything. Fourth hugged Gemini, who then began to gently stroke his hair.

"Please stop, Gemini. You're turning me on," Fourth protested.

Gemini paused, saying, "I'm sorry!, I couldn't resist. I find hair caressing to be comforting." Gemini chuckled,

"It's a turn-on for me. Please stop, you're tempting me to touch you." Fourth whined.

"It's been two months right?" Gemini asked. "Yes, two months since love lef—" Fourth was cut off by Gemini,

"Two months without sex." Fourth became flustered and didn't know how to respond.

Gemini stood up and placed Fourth's head on his stomach, saying, "I'm sorry as well." Gemini smirked,

but Fourth couldn't see it as his head was buried in Gemini's stomach. "It's okay," Fourth mumbled.

Gemini began to caress Fourth's hair, causing Fourth to flinch. "Stop, Gemini! I've told you before, that turns me on," Fourth whined.

"Oh?" Gemini continued to caress Fourth's hair, prompting Fourth to grab Gemini's wrist.

"You're going to regret this," Fourth warned. "Then make me regret it," Gemini replied confidently.

"Are you challenging me?" Fourth raised his eyebrows. "I don't know" Gemini said as he left and went upstairs to Fourth's room.

Fourth stood up and casually suggested, "I'm heading to the mall to buy something. Wanna come?"

Gemini couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment as Fourth seemed to be completely unaware of Gemini's subtle hints for,


Despite this, Gemini reluctantly agreed to accompany Fourth.

As they got ready to leave, Gemini observed Fourth walking past him to get his phone from upstairs.

Gemini couldn't help but internally comment, "He's so dumb founded."

Upon reaching the mall, Gemini noticed that Fourth was engrossed in his phone, leaving Gemini feeling neglected and irritated.

Finally, Fourth apologized and explained that he was talking with his coach.

He then tried to make amends by hugging Gemini, acknowledging his earlier distraction.

After a long day of shopping, Fourth wanted to go home.

"I wanna go home, Gemini," Fourth complained in the changing room as Gemini tried on clothes.  

"You wanted to bring me shopping, so now you have to stay with me until I wanna leave," Gemini replied, adjusting his shirt.

"C'mon, Gemini, let's go home," Fourth said sweetly.

"No, and can you help me with this button? I can't get it fastened," Gemini asked, moving closer to Fourth for assistance.

After Fourth fixed the button, Gemini inquired, "Does this look good?" Fourth responded,

"You always look good, with or without clothes", rubbing his eyes. "Shut up," Gemini retorted, searching for more clothes to try on.

"Please, Gemini, let's go home!" Fourth pleaded. "No, you brought me here, so now you're stuck with me," Gemini replied. After trying on numerous outfits,

Fourth fell asleep in the changing room, causing Gemini to chuckle. "You're so cute," Gemini said, gently stroking Fourth's cheek.

After a long day of shopping, Fourth was exhausted when they finally arrived home.

"Wait, don't close the car yet, help me carry these bags," Gemini said, pointing at the bags. "Sure," Fourth replied, eager to sleep.

Once Fourth had brought all the shopping bags inside, he went upstairs and quickly fell asleep. Gemini took a shower and then laid down beside him.

"Good night, Fourth. I'm sorry for wearing you out," Gemini said.

The next morning, Gemini woke up to find Fourth no longer beside him.

He searched the house and smelled something delicious coming from downstairs.

Gemini realized that Fourth was cooking. "What are you making?" Gemini asked as he walked towards Fourth.

"I'm not sure, I just put shits together whatever I could find in the pantry," Fourth replied. "That's an omelette," Gemini informed him.

"Oh, is it?" Fourth asked, looking confused. "Yes, what else..?" Gemini asked, tilting his head.

"I can cook, but I don't know the names of dishes, so I just guess and hope for the best," Fourth admitted as he plated their food.

While Fourth was eating, Gemini suddenly asked, "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Fourth choked on his food in surprise. Gemini looked at him, concerned. "Why would you ask that? You almost made me die," Fourth managed to say after taking a sip of water.

Gemini persisted, "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Fourth, still recovering from the shock, replied, "You told me to take things slow. I wanted to be patient with you. Why are you asking me this now?"

Gemini then blurted out, "Be my boyfriend." Fourth, feeling overwhelmed, took another sip of water. Gemini continued, "I want to live with you." Fourth reminded Gemini, "You said you didn't want to live with me."

Gemini changed his mind, expressing, "I want to see you every day from now on." He leaned in and kissed Fourth on the cheek, declaring, "From now on, you're my boyfriend."

Confused, Fourth responded, "O-Okay" Gemini then mentioned that he needed to go to university and left to take a shower. Fourth offered to drive him, but Gemini declined, worried about drawing attention. He applied cologne before leaving.

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