CHAPTER 6: Not A "Couple"

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Fourth and Gemini were jolted awake by a loud bang on the door. Suddenly, the door burst open and Pond and Joong were standing there. Fourth quickly shielded Gemini, who was not fully dressed, from view. "What a great day, isn't it, Fourth?" Pond exclaimed, laughing.

"Why are you two making so much noise at 8 in the morning?" Fourth snapped angrily. "Good morning, N'Gem," Pond smiled. "Shut up and go away," Fourth replied, keeping Gemini hidden behind him.

"Are you sure you two aren't a couple?" Joong teased Fourth. "Yeah," Fourth replied coldly. "What kind of friends sleep together in a bed shirtless?" Pond and Joong left, and Fourth noticed Gemini was feeling shy.

"Why are you shy?" Fourth asked. "They probably saw me naked," Gemini said, covering his face with a blanket. "They didn't, I hid you just in time," Fourth reassured him. Gemini hugged Fourth, who remained unfazed.

"Let's go take a shower," Fourth whispered to Gemini. "Both of us?" Gemini blushed. "It's not like you haven't seen me naked," Fourth smirked and led Gemini into the bathroom.

After showering, Gemini was still wearing Fourth's clothes - a pair of short shorts and Fourth's jersey. "Wow, wearing Fourth's jersey, huh? You two definitely look like a couple," Pond teased, causing Joong to join in the laughter. Gemini blushed deeply.

"When are you planning on moving out, Gemini?" Joong inquired. Fourth looked at them with determination and embraced Gemini from behind. "He's not going anywhere," Fourth declared.

"Let's grab some food and then head home," Joong said as he walked away, followed by Pond. Gemini turned to Fourth and nervously mentioned, "I might be leaving next month, Phi." Fourth's reaction was immediate, "WHAT?" he shouted.

Gemini hesitated, feeling scared about the situation. "My friend wants me to come back to his place and I'm considering it," Gemini explained silently wondering what he would do if Fourth hurt him again. But Fourth's response was firm, "No, you're staying with me."

An argument ensued as Gemini tried to explain his need to leave, but Fourth refused to let him go. Fourth's grip on Gemini's wrist tightened, causing Gemini to cry out in pain. Despite Gemini's protests, Fourth held onto him, whispering menacingly in his ear, "You belong to me, and you can't leave."

Gemini was left feeling trapped and frightened, knowing that Fourth would not let him go easily. The thought of escaping crossed Gemini's mind, but the daunting reality of a 7-hour journey kept him from making a move. Gemini felt helpless and unsure of what to do next.

After Fourth and Gemini finished eating, they packed up their belongings and headed home. Gemini was seated on the couch with Fourth, who was once again drinking alcohol. "My friend is picking me up tomorrow," Gemini said nervously.

"Tell him not to come," Fourth replied as he took a shot. "I've already made my decision, Phi. I'm leaving," Gemini defended. "And I don't want you to," Fourth said coldly. "Phi, I'm sorry, but you can't force someone to stay if they don't want to."

Gemini attempted to leave, but Fourth grabbed his wrist and slapped him, causing Gemini to fall to the ground. As Gemini tried to get up, Fourth continued to slap him repeatedly, leaving Gemini's cheeks red.

"You're not leaving me," Fourth choked Gemini. "P-Phi...Fourth!!! HELP P'POND, P'JOONG!!!" Gemini yelled, struggling to breathe. "This is your problem, Gemini. You always give in when you like someone," Fourth choked him even tighter.

Gemini was crying and struggling to breathe, while Fourth, who was very drunk, didn't even realize Gemini was having trouble breathing. "You're not leaving me, Gemini. You'll stay with me forever," Fourth said before chugging every bottle of alcohol in sight.

Despite nearly dying, Gemini mustered up the strength to warn Fourth, "You're burning your throat, Phi." Gemini tried to intervene, but Fourth accidentally dropped the alcohol, causing it to shatter.

Gemini realized his mistake and attempted to apologize, stammering, "I-I'm s-sorry, Phi... Please don't..." He scrambled away from Fourth, hoping to escape being hit again. Fourth advanced towards Gemini and grabbed his face.

"You can't leave me, no matter how hard you try. I will always find you, in every way possible. Don't push me to become someone I've kept hidden for so long." Fourth walked away, leaving Gemini crying and questioning why he stayed with him.

Fourth, an alcoholic and abusive partner, would have sex with Gemini and act like nothing happened once he was sober. Gemini tried to stay strong and collected, mustering the courage to pack his bags and leave.

Before leaving , Gemini checked on Fourth and found him asleep. He cleaned up the mess and left a note before slipping away.

Upon waking up, Fourth called out for Gemini, but received no response. He searched the house and found a note downstairs.

"If you find me, and take me back. You're gonna make me see you as someone I hate, I hoped for someone who brightly smiles and not abusive, but ended up getting more worst. P'fourth, I'm leaving. I'll use all my savings and leave. I'll pay every single cents you wasted on me"

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