PART 2-CHAPTER 13: "Let's Die Together."

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A year had gone by, and Fourth and Gemini's love remains unconditional.


Gemini called Fourth on the phone and asked, "Where are you Fot?" Fourth replied, "I'm at work, I'm almost home." Gemini then informed Fourth that dinner was already cooked and instructed him to eat and wash the dishes. He told him he would be home the next morning. Fourth responded, "Yeah sure, take care gemgem. Love you."

Gemini replied, "Aight, love you too baby," before hanging up. Gemini realized he was running late, so he quickly gathered his things and drove to the hospital. Upon arriving, a nurse greeted him with a bow and said, "Good morning Mr. Norawit." Gemini smiled and replied, "Good morning love."


"I'm finally back home," Fourth muttered to himself as he dropped his bag on the couch. "I'm exhausted," he added, making his way to the kitchen. "Thai curry, huh? I had no idea you could cook, gemgem," Fourth chuckled as he grabbed a plate. "Damn, I love you." he said to himself while serving himself some food.

"Work is such a drag, I miss hanging out with Gemini," Fourth complained. "Why is he suddenly so busy? He should just stay home and be my wife," Fourth joked to himself while eating. "I could really use a beer," he said, getting up. "I'm so tired," Fourth suddenly yelled out.

Gemini starts work at 12-1:00am, while Fourth works from 6am-1:00pm, causing them to have limited time together. Fourth feels disappointed that Gemini's work schedule comes after his, resulting in less time to hang out. When Gemini returns home, he often finds Fourth asleep in bed, and wakes up alone without Fourth by his side, which saddens him.

On the other hand, Fourth wakes up to see Gemini tired, hesitant to disturb his rest. Before leaving, Fourth gives Gemini a kiss. The lingering question remains: when will they find time for a break together?

After two months had passed, Fourth found himself alone at home. He sat on the couch and sighed, realizing it had been a while since he had spent a whole day with Gemini. As he looked up at the ceiling, a sudden yell startled him, causing him to shout in surprise.

"It's me!" Gemini appeared with a smile, causing Fourth to happily embrace him. "I've missed you," Fourth said, giving Gemini a kiss. "I missed you too. We've both been busy with work, so I took a week off to spend time with you," Gemini explained excitedly.

"I love you," Fourth said, lifting Gemini up and spinning him around. "I love you more," Gemini replied with a smile. "It's only 2:47, do you want something to eat?" Fourth asked. "I already cooked before you got home. Let's eat," Gemini suggested. "Let's eat," Fourth agreed with a giggle.

A few hours later...

"Finally, a week with you," Fourth exclaimed, playfully running his hand along Gemini's thighs. "You always watch football stuff, let's watch something different," Gemini suggested, munching on popcorn. "What do you feel like watching?" Fourth inquired. "I'm not sure," Gemini replied.

"It's already night, just pick something," Fourth urged, his hand still resting on Gemini's thigh. "You choose," Gemini insisted. "How about a horror movie?" Fourth proposed, grinning at Gemini. "No way! You scared me last time with that trick," Gemini protested.

"I won't do it again, I promise," Fourth reassured, chuckling. "I know you, you're a liar," Gemini teased, grabbing more popcorn. "Oh, let's watch a lakorn!" Gemini suddenly exclaimed. "A Thai drama? Since when are you into that?" Fourth questioned. "I love lakorn," Gemini admitted with a smile.

"Alright, let's give it a try," Fourth agreed, starting the drama. "I promise it's a good Thai drama," Gemini giggled. Gemini, still snacking on popcorn, inquired, "When is your birthday?"

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