PART 2-CHAPTER 8: I'm Shy, Don't Tease Me.

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Gemini quickly fled the room and sought refuge in his own, securing the doors and venting his frustration by kicking the air. "That was so embarrassing!" he exclaimed. "Why cuddle? We're just friends!" Gemini continued to express his disbelief and discomfort.

Collapsing onto his bed, he buried his face in his pillow and let out a frustrated groan. "I have feelings for you...please don't toy with me," Gemini muttered to himself, his expression shifting from anger to vulnerability. "I don't want to be seen in a negative light," he added quietly. "Are we just friends, or is there something more between us?" Gemini pondered aloud, feeling conflicted.

As his smile faded, Gemini expressed his confusion and pain, admitting "It hurts.. Don't confuse me..please..". He eventually made his way to the bathroom, seeking solace and a moment of reflection.


"Gemini, can you open the door?" Fourth asked, knocking gently. "I'm going to work now, I'll get—" Gemini tried to escape, but Fourth held his arms. "Why run? Let's talk," Fourth said. "What's there to talk about?" Gemini asked in frustration.

"I heard what you mumbled to yourself earlier," Fourth said, looking at Gemini. "That's nothing," Gemini tried to run away again. "Gem, why are you so impatient?" Fourth asked. "I'm not impatient, okay!" Gemini yelled. "I'm scared!" Gemini shouted.

"Scared of what?" Fourth asked. "I'm scared of you! Of your feelings!" Gemini yelled. "I'm sorry, okay?! But you kept giving me mixed signals!" Gemini yelled, "And it feels like you're playing with me!" Gemini yelled. "and..It hurts.." Gemini teared up, running away. "Gem," Fourth said, "Gem, don't run," Fourth said following Gemini.

"Gem don't—" Fourth was cut off, "I'll talk with you later. Please, stop." Gemini drove away.


"Why did my confession turn into a fight?" Fourth muttered to himself as he sipped on his drink. "Why did you have to be upset today, Gemini?" Fourth lamented. "I was just about to confess, why did you run away like that?" Fourth sighed.

"I like you too," Fourth said coldly, taking another sip. "I like you a lot," he said, standing up. "You know what, forget 'like,' I love you." Fourth paced in circles, drink in hand. "Come home soon, damn it," he groaned. "Wait, why am I drinking wine? This tastes like whiskey." Fourth inspected the bottle.

"Damn it, this isn't wine, it's whiskey!" Fourth exclaimed. "Who would make whiskey that looks like wine?!" he yelled. "Now I'm getting drunk," Fourth placed the bottle on the counter. "I guess I won't be drinking anymore," he mumbled as he made his way to his room.

"Ugh, I'm so tired," Fourth said, slowly drifting off to sleep.


"Fourth, open the door," Gemini knocked impatiently. Suddenly, the door swung open, startling Gemini. "Oh my God!" Gemini exclaimed.

"Sorry about that, Gemgem, I was in the bathroom," Fourth said with a smile. Gemini, still shaken, questioned why Fourth opened the door so forcefully. "Sorry," Fourth apologized, still smiling.

As Gemini approached the bed, he apologized "Im sorry about earlier, I was in a bad mood". "It's okay" Fourth giggled, then unexpectedly confessed, "I like you." Flustered, Gemini stood up in shock.

"Why now?" Gemini asked, blushing. Fourth explained that he didn't want Gemini to suffer in silence, wanting to alleviate any potential pain. Gemini was at a loss for words. "I'm confused," he admitted. Fourth reassured him "Don't be," embracing Gemini.

Gemini asked, "So, what are we?" Fourth responded with a chuckle, throwing Gemini onto the bed. "FOURTH!?" Gemini exclaimed. "I don't know," Fourth giggled, playfully tickling Gemini. "STOP! NO! NO NO NO! I'M TICKLISH, STOP!" Gemini cried out.

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