CHAPTER 14: I Think He's Cheating On Me.

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Gemini gave Fourth a kiss before leaving, causing Fourth to blush. While driving, Fourth received a call. "Hey love, what's up?" Fourth answered.

"I'm at your house, baby," the girl on the other end said. Driving back home, Fourth hugged the girl and said,

"I missed you, Parn."

Parn hugged back and said, "I missed you too, Fotfot," with a smile.

After spending the day together, Fourth got a call from Gemini. "Fourth, I'm done with my classes. Can you pick me up?" Gemini asked.

"Yeah, sure," Fourth replied. "Hey, Gemini will be here any minute now. I have to go pick him up," Fourth said before leaving.

While driving to Gemini's school, Fourth saw Gemini with his friends and decided to approach them.

However, his sudden appearance scared them.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you all," Fourth apologized. "You're friends with Fourth Nattawat!?" Prom exclaimed.

"More than friends," Gemini clarified. "Huh!?" Mark and Prom yelled in surprise.

"He's my boyfriend," Gemini announced, causing all his friends to shout in shock.

Before exclaiming, "Wait, what!?" Mark took a sip of water. "He's my boyfriend," Gemini said calmly while eating. Fourth sat down next to Gemini and ordered a coffee. "Wait, is that true!?" Prom yelled at Fourth. "Yeah," Fourth nodded in agreement.

When Fourth's coffee arrived, he sipped it coldly, resembling a royal king. Confused, Fourth looked at Gemini's friends. "What...?" he questioned. "Nothing, you look like a royal king," Prom commented. "Oh... is that a compliment?" Fourth inquired.

"Don't pay attention to them, they're just surprised," Gemini reassured, still eating. "You've been eating that bread for almost a year, Gemini, aren't you tired of the taste?" Prom asked. "I like it," Gemini replied between bites.

"Since you're so wealthy, why don't you treat us?" Mark suggested. Gemini quickly hits his head, "Don't ask him that, fucker." Fourth intervened, pulling Gemini back to his seat, "It's fine, I'll pay it." He handed over his card and paid for the group.

"What is it?" Fourth asked. Gemini looked at Fourth and said, "I'm sorry for making you pay." Gemini reassured, "It's okay, I'll pay next time." After finishing their meal, Fourth and Gemini headed home to watch a movie.

"Do you like horror?" Gemini inquired. Fourth nervously chuckled, "Y-Yeah... Haha." Gemini teased, "You're scared, aren't you?" Gemini smiled as Fourth suddenly screamed,

"AH!? WHERE'S HIS HEAD OH MY GOD!?!!" Clinging to Gemini's arm, Fourth realized it was just a doll and Gemini laughed.

"Why are you teasing me? I'm not used to watching scary things, I'm more into games and stuff," Fourth whined. Gemini playfully teased, "Oh, is the baby going to cry now?"

Fourth jokingly covered his face and pretended to cry. Gemini quickly reassured, "I'm just kidding, don't cry Fourth." Fourth laughed it off, "I'm not crying, why would I cry over dumb things?"

"Remember when you said you liked me last week and almost cried?" Gemini teased. Fourth blushed and was left speechless.

After three months of being in a relationship, Fourth never disclosed his relationship status publicly. Gemini agreed, believing it was safer to remain private and unknown. They thought it was better to avoid potential hate and negative consequences.

Gemini started to feel suspicious of Fourth when he noticed how eagerly he would drop him off at university and rush off somewhere else. Curiosity got the best of Gemini, so he decided to follow Fourth and discovered him with a girl. After taking a closer look at the girl, Gemini realized it was Parn Peetch.

It dawned on Gemini that Parn was Fourth's ex, and Fourth had admitted to still having feelings for her before they started dating. Overwhelmed with emotions, Gemini couldn't help but shed a tear. Was he being deceived by Fourth?

As Fourth and Parn headed to Fourth's house, Gemini decided to follow them. Bursting through the door, Gemini caught a glimpse of Fourth and Parn playing chess together.

Gemini wept as he accused Fourth of cheating on him. "Are you cheating on me!?" Gemini cried out, cutting off Fourth's attempts to defend himself.

"You're a liar, I hate you," Gemini said, hitting Fourth's chest before bursting into tears. "I never—" Fourth tried to explain, but Gemini interrupted again.

"I shouldn't have trusted you. I knew you still had feelings for her," Gemini said, looking at Parn. "No, Gemini, I—" Parn tried to speak, but Gemini silenced her.

"I hate both of you," Gemini yelled, pushing Fourth away when he tried to hug him. "Let me explain," Fourth pleaded, but Gemini accused him of being a cheater. Gemini fell to his knees, crying, while Parn urged him to let Fourth explain.

"I'm sorry," Parn said, but Gemini angrily told her to be quiet "I said shut up, parn". "Just let me explain. You're misunderstanding everything," Fourth said, only to be pushed away again by Gemini.

"Explain what? How you were flirting with her at the mall? Laughing and teasing her? You're a cheater!" Gemini yelled in frustration.

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