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i just want to say thank you all for reading evie and malakai's story! your reads, comments and votes make it even more motivating for me to write for you guys 🤍

this is unfortunately the end of this book, i might write some chapters in the future but for the moment this is the end. like i said, thank you all for joining me on this journey with evie and malakai and i hope you had a wonderful time reading it because i had a wonderful time writing it!!

evie did her makeup, having to pause every so often so she didn't cry, pulling her hair back into a half up half down with a little green flower claw clip.

there was a knock at the door and mike went down to answer it, letting malakai in who had a little white corsage for evie since he didn't know what colour her dress was

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there was a knock at the door and mike went down to answer it, letting malakai in who had a little white corsage for evie since he didn't know what colour her dress was. the blonde made her way down the stairs and malakai swore his jaw nearly dropped. she looked like a dream, the light from the window behind casted a golden glow on her as she made her way down the stairs.

"you look beautiful." malakai complimented and evie smiled softly, kissing his cheek. "you look perfect." he whispered into evie's ear as mike took a photo of their intimate hug. "let's go, shall we?" malakai asked and evie nodded softly.

"bye dad." she waved.

they went outside to harpers car which had amerie and rowan sitting in the back, evie deciding to sit in the back with malakai in the front to avoid awkwardness.

"you look so cute eves." amerie said with harper nodding in agreement.

"thanks ams, you and harps do too. nice suit rowan." evie complimented, seeing malakai's hand reach back evie grabbed it and laced their fingers together feeling the coldness of his rings on her hand.

when they stepped out of the car, malakai wrapped his arm around evie's waist as they walked into the gym.

they got in and evie saw anr with his hair all spiked up in a suit and spider was dancing in the crowd. "you look good." evie complimented ant as she watched him pour her a spiked drink.

"you look cute." he complimented and kissed evie on the top of their head. they really were good friends.

nutbush came on and evie and malakai were in a line with everyone dancing and then a slow song came on.

evie stood with her arms around malakai's neck and felt that awful lump rise in her throat again. "hey.. look at me." malakai said softly, evie looking up at him with tears glossing over her eyes. "i love you, okay?" he said and evie nodded.

"i love you too malakai." she mumbled, wrapping her arms around his torso with her head on his chest as they danced. "i have never loved anyone or anything more than i love you."

there was a break in the music as spider grabbed the mic on the stage. "i'm sorry. to all of you. i know i've been a prick to you all at some post. i'm trying to fucking apologise okay i ducked up and i'm not gonna make excuses i'm gonna own it. and i know that you probably don't believe it but i wanna be better. and not because i expect anything from you i need to do this for myself and i know you're probably never gonna speak to me again and i hope i can be worthy of your respect one day. you always tell me to shut the fuck up and today.. today i will." evie looked up at spider proudly but suddenly the whole hall went up in flames.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now