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We were supposed to stay for 2 weeks, but we stayed for a week. The tension in the air was palpable as everyone cautiously tip-toed around me. Despite my efforts to uncover the cause of the tension, no one spoke up.

However, when we arrived in Brazil, the tension seemed to dissipate. It was as if the change of scenery had lifted the weight off everyone's shoulders, and we could enjoy our time without the lingering unease.

Williams, do you know any private investigators? I asked a few days after we returned. I had a feeling that there was something more than meet the eye with Lee, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"Sure thing," William replied. "I will send his email to you. I didn't need to explain why I needed a PI. He trusts me."

"I will tell you when it's done," I say, understanding his look at me. There's a glint of curiosity in his eyes, and I can tell that he's eager to know as much as I am.

"I understand," he replied, laughing. "Curiosity sure gets the better of us sometimes. Just let me know if you need any help along the way."

"I will, thank you," I say, appreciating William's willingness to assist me.

After receiving the email from William, I wasted no time emailing the private investigator. I explained the situation and my suspicions about Lee. I hoped he could uncover the truth and provide me with the answers I desperately sought.

Three days later, he replied and asked for a picture and a phone number. Lee's number is unreachable. But I still sent it, anyway, hoping he would find a way.

"I appreciate your cooperation," he replied. "Please don't rush me. I will email you when I have anything concrete. Investigations like these take time, but I assure you, I will do my best to uncover the truth."

I decided to keep my investigation a secret, not wanting to raise any unnecessary alarm at home. Instead, I patiently waited for the private investigator to do his work, knowing that rushing the process could compromise the outcome.

We all got busy with work, especially Yanli. She is preparing for her project. The fact that she did not change or make a big deal out of what I told her is a great relief to me.

Three months later, I received an email from the private investigator with a surprising revelation - it was a forwarded invitation to a private party with Yanli. My heart raced as I wondered what this meant and what secrets would be unveiled at the event.

"Yanli, we have a party on Saturday," I say, acting casually.

You want to attend to a party? She asked, confused.

"Yeah, I just thought it would be a fun way to spend the weekend," I replied, hiding my anxiety. "Plus, it's an opportunity to socialize and have a good time. What do you say?"

"I'm happy you finally decided to go out," Yanli said, smiling. "But why do you want to be with me? Will he be happy?" She paused for a moment, then spoke, "No, I'm not coming. I want you to have fun with whoever invited you. I refuse to be a third wheel." Yanli burst into laughter.

"What? No, no, it's not like that," I stammered, trying to come up with a quick explanation. "It's actually a client's birthday party, and I just thought it would be a wonderful opportunity for networking. I didn't mean to give you the wrong impression."

"Oh, I was happy for a moment you were going out, now I'm sad," she pouted, her smile fading. "But I understand, it's a work thing. Have fun and make some good connections."

"But you know, I don't really know anyone there, and I don't want to be alone. Can you come with me?" I pouted, mimicking her.

Yanli frowned and hesitated for a moment. "Ask Enzo and his husband if they want to join us," she replied. "They're always up for an enjoyable party, and it'll be pleasant to have some familiar faces there."

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