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When the plane landed, I walked out with my arms wrapped around myself, feeling a sense of comfort and warmth. However, to my surprise, Enzo and Qin did not bother me as I stepped off the plane.

There were two cars waiting, and Enzo's dad entered one while we entered the other. It was a long drive, but I just stared out the window the entire time.

We are here. Enzo announced. And we got out of the car. I couldn't help but admire the house nestled within its gated compound, it stood in stark contrast to the modest military housing I had grown accustomed to.

Enzo pulled me excitedly. "Let me show you the house," he said, lightening the mood. "You can pick any room you want, and Qin, you are welcome to pick any room you want."

I chose a room at the far end of the house, away from the main living area, so as not to disturb the owners. It was spacious and filled with natural light, making it the perfect retreat after a long day.

Thank you for the assistance, sir," I said to Enzo's dad, expressing my gratitude. "We will make sure to move out as soon as possible, so as not to overstay our welcome."

"No, Sean, I promise Chen I will take care of you," and call me Lawrence he said, correcting me with a warm smile. "Your family now, and we want you to feel at home here. There's no rush to moving out. Take all the time you need."

"I appreciate your generosity, Lawrence," I replied, touched by his words. "But I don't want to impose on your kindness for too long."

"Impose? Nonsense," I heard a woman say from behind. My name is Martha. She smiled. "You can stay as long as you want. A friend of Enzo is our friend as well. We have plenty of room in this big house, and we would love to have you as part of our family."

"Thank you," I said, choking on my emotions. "I miss my mom now."

Martha's eyes softened with understanding as she enveloped me in a warm hug. "I'm sorry for your loss, Sean. She whispered. No one can fill the void your mom left, but consider us your new family, and let us help you through this difficult time," she says, pulling away from me and rubbing my head.

I smiled, touched by their kindness.

"Mom," Enzo smiled and hugged her. "I miss you."

"I miss you too, sweetheart," Martha replied, tears welling up in her eyes. "And I'm so glad you brought Sean home with you. Our family just got bigger."

Qin, right? Martha asked.

"Yes, good afternoon, ma'am," Qin said timidly. "Thank you for welcoming me into your home. I'm truly grateful." Martha smiled warmly at Qin and replied, "You're welcome, Qin. We're happy to have you here. You're part of the family now."

Martha is an elegant and tall woman with long hair falling on her shoulders. She exuded warmth and kindness as she welcomed Qin into their home. Her genuine smile and words made Qin feel instantly at ease.

𝖂𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now