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When we arrived at the CIA's office, it was chaotic. People were running around frantically and making frantic phone calls. The atmosphere was charged with anxiety.

How did you do it? We heard a voice beside us. Mr. Croft Davis was dismissed, and our new boss is inside making phone calls. It was the same guy from earlier today.

"You don't mess with a Brazilian lawyer and a godfather," Williams replied with a smirk. "We may have had to pull a few strings, but when it comes to protecting our own, we always find a way."

"Who do we talk to? I want to see my client?" Williams asked.

"Come with me, sir," the guy replied excitedly. He led us through the chaos and pointed to a door at the end of the hallway.

Thank you," I said, but he didn't say anything. I followed his eyes and saw that he was staring at Wang, which irritated me for some funny reason.

Williams knocked on the door and we heard a muffled "come in" before we all entered. Inside, we saw their newly appointed boss, a stern-looking man with a no-nonsense demeanor. He looked up from his desk, his gaze shifting from Williams to us, and I couldn't help but feel unease.

"How can I help you?" he asked, closing his computer. His sharp eyes surveyed us, and I could sense his curiosity as he awaited our explanation for barging into his office amidst the chaotic scene outside.

"My name is Williams, and I'm here to see my client, Miss Yanli Zhan," Williams replied, introducing himself to the stern-looking man. "Beside me are Mr. Xiao Zhan and Mr. Wang Yibo, her fathers and uncles."

"I see," the stern-looking man said, his gaze lingering on Wang. "Well, Mr. Williams, rest assured that Miss Yanli Zhan is in safe custody. I have been briefed on her case and we are taking all necessary measures to ensure her well-being. Please have a seat, and let's discuss the details of her situation." According to her files, she has refused to speak with anyone. Perhaps you could speak with her to find out who she is working with, and we will proceed from there. "My name is Fengmian". He added

"Thank you, Mr. Fengmian," Williams said, sitting down. "We appreciate your efforts in ensuring Miss Yanli Zhan's safety. We will try to convince her to cooperate and provide any information that could help with the investigation. We understand the urgency of the situation and will work closely with you to unravel the truth."

"For some bizarre reason," I wanted to tell him to stop looking at Wang, but I held my tongue. It was imperative to focus on the task at hand and not let personal irritations distract us.

You are Wang Wu's son, right? Looking at Wang, Mr. Fengmian asked.

"Yes, I am," Wang replied, meeting Mr. Fengmian's gaze.

"And Mr. Wen's in-law," he interjected. I could sense a shift in Mr. Fengmian's demeanor.

"Yes, I am," Wang replied irritably.

You are in the middle of it all, so please explain why I should not arrest you at this time. Mr. Fengmian asked.

"I would like to see you try," Lee and Enzo said simultaneously, their voices filled with defiance. The room fell silent as Mr. Fengmian's stern expression wavered for a moment, his eyes flickering between the two men. Realizing the gravity of their challenge, he relaxed in his seat, his tone slightly shaken as he responded, "You may have your doubts, but rest assured, we have evidence to support our suspicions. Let's see if you can prove your innocence."

"I understand your concerns, Mr. Fengmian, but I can assure you that Wang is innocent," William replied confidently. "Now, can I see Miss Yanli and try to establish a line of communication with her?"

𝖂𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now