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Sean pleaded to see me in my casket, but Lee said no. The denial of his request caused Sean to break down and cry, slumping on the ground inconsolable. His family, witnessing his anguish, also joined in, expressing their pain and sorrow. The intensity of their emotions was unbearable, and I almost walked out of my hiding place, unable to bear the sight. However, I hold my ground, knowing that witnessing their grief could provide comfort in the long run.

Lee and Sean, consumed by their grief, sat there and cried throughout the night. The sound of their anguish echoed in the place's stillness, compounding their loss. The pain was unbearable, consuming them completely. Their sorrow transcended time and distance as they mourned their beloved.

I remained hidden, observing their unwavering dedication to mourning. Their unwavering commitment to expressing their grief touched me deeply, reminding me of the power of love and human emotions.

As the night wore on, I agonized over the pain they must feel. I wanted to reach out to them, to offer comfort or encouragement, but my physical limitations prevented me from doing so.

In the end, I stayed put in my hiding place, witnessing their pain from a distance. It was a painful but necessary experience, for through their tears, I witnessed the power of love and the strength of the human spirit.

Sean cried himself to sleep. I need you to help me get him to the car, Sean's grandpa told Lee, and Lee carried Sean to the car. I'm waiting for Lee to come so we can go home. A few minutes later, Lee walks in and I rush to him.

It breaks my heart to see Sean suffering; I said out loud.

In a hoarse voice, Lee replied, "I do too.". They are returning to glistering island. When Sean wakes up, he might not want to go, Lee said and walked to the car.

"Lee, this must be incredibly difficult for you. I understand if you don't want to work for my father anymore," I said, concerned.

"Thank you for your understanding," Lee replied, his eyes tired. "But just to clarify, I don't work for your father. I work for you. And I'll always be here for you, no matter how difficult things get. And I need to know who called your father."

I nodded in agreement as Lee approached the estate. My father walked out as soon as Lee parked the car, and fear gripped me. Where are you coming from? He hissed. We went to drop off Zhu's sister at the airport. She came yesterday. Lee said and bowed.

I watched anxiously as my father glared at Lee; his eyes filled with suspicion. "Drop Zhu's sister, huh?" my father sneered. "Well, I hope you have a good explanation for why it took you so long. And I expect to know every detail of your whereabouts."

My mind raced with fear, but Lee meticulously and calmly explained all our movements to my father, providing specific details about the time and traffic. My father nodded, satisfied with Lee's explanation, and walked away.

Impressive. I nudged Lee's shoulder, and we entered my room. The first thing we thought to do was sleep. We will eat later. As I lay in bed beside Lee, my mind drifted to Sean. I hoped he would find some peace in his sleep and wake up feeling better. The weight of his suffering weighed heavily on my heart. However, I knew that with time and his family's support, he would find healing and strength.

It's been six months since someone called my father regarding Zhu's affair, but the caller's identity remains mysterious. Sean has been incessantly contacting Lee, insisting he needs to speak with him and show him something. He persisted with his demands, even resorting to begging, until I finally convinced Lee to agree to a meeting. If all works out well, I may finally reveal the truth to him and explain the reasons we engaged in such actions. I deeply miss him and want him back in my life.

Lee arranged a meeting on the outskirts of town, which my dad never visited. This made me feel safe, and oddly enough, I was actually looking forward to it. Seeing Sean again would mean a lot to me, and if he understood the implications of the situation and still wanted to be with me, then we could pick up where we left off.

As I walked towards the meeting spot, clutching the apology gift in my hand, my nerves settle, and a smile spread across my face. I knew that even if Sean was upset at first, his love for me would prevail and he would understand and forgive me.

As I approached Sean and saw him standing up to help a pregnant woman, my heart sank. Their interaction was more than just a casual encounter, and my nerves get the best of me. I couldn't help but wonder if this was the reason Sean wanted to meet with Lee, and my hopes of picking up where we left off started to fade.

Lee will be here soon, but before I explain things to him, please tell him what happened. The lady smiled and rubbed her enormous belly as Sean spoke.

"The baby just kicked," she said happily. Sean's smile grew, and he rubbed her stomach and bent down to put his ear on her enormous belly. "Hi baby girl, I'm your daddy, and I can't wait to meet you." The scene before me shattered my hopes, and I realized that Sean's involvement with this woman was deeper than I anticipated.

The bag I was carrying dropped on the floor with a thud, shattering the fragile hope that had lingered in my heart. I turned back immediately, unable to bear the sight any longer, and walk away, my heart pounding in despair.

Chest ache and difficulty breathing overwhelmed me as I ran, with Lee trailing closely behind me. Wang let me hear him out. Lee said. Causing me to pause. My eyes widened, and I yelled in surprise. He is a liar; how can he love me so much and still be with a girl.

"You want to hear him out?" I exclaimed, tears streaming down my face. "You want to hear him talk about how he knocked someone pregnant or what?"

I couldn't help but repeat myself, my voice filled with anguish. "You heard what he said," I continued, my tone rising with each word. "What is there to hear again? I heard him myself! How can you want to listen?"

My tears continued to flow freely, reflecting my emotional turmoil. I felt a mixture of anger, sadness, and frustration. How could anyone want to listen to the person who had caused such pain and heartache? It seemed to be nothing more than cruel and unjust. As I stood there, my chest was still aching, and tears were flowing.

"I'm sorry," Lee finally said, his voice filled with remorse and regret.

Lee's phone rang, and he showed me the caller. "It was Sean," I collected the phone and smashed it on the floor, scattering it into pieces. "I will buy you a new phone," I said, dismissing the incident and walking away.

𝖂𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now