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Zhan's Pov.

I nodded and looked at everything but his face. So, this was it then. I surmised. He apologized and I knew it was sincere, but I braced myself for his next words. He'd either tell me to fuck off and accept it or give each other space. I pray it is the former. I just needed us to be together like I needed air. I couldn't stand us being apart. But when his next words came, I was shocked to the point where my eyes widened naturally.

"I don't want us to go back to being just strangers, maybe we could start over...I promise I'll try to be better at this...maybe you could help me be better at it. I permit you to kick my ass every time I go back to being an asshole" he joked.

"You- you want us to try this again? For real this time?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah...please, I swear it won't be like before. If you'll help me. I wanted to be with you when I said I'd give it a try Sean. It's not that I didn't and I'm not trying to make excuses it's just that...I'm an asshole and I'm sorry."He finished.

I could only shudder at the turn of events. I guess I understood why he treated me that way. One minute he walked out the door, once again pushing me away. The next he told me he didn't want us to get back to the way it used to be. I wasn't sure if he was growing in maturity or if I was dreaming, but I didn't care. My earlier mood had been forgotten. I smiled at him and watched as he looked back at me with uncertainty.

"So? You forgive me or not?" he asked, growing impatient.

Typical Blake, I thought, and my smile widened.

"So, no bullshit, you want to do this right this time? Which means hanging out, going on dates, the real deal?" I asked just to be clear.

"No bullshit, except no dates on this side of town... for now," he said.

"No prob," I answered with a grin and watched him shake his head at my excitement.

"All right. I'll see you tomorrow." He said, then turned to leave.

"Wait a minute, I thought we just made progress. Aren't you going to stay?" I asked in confusion.

"No, I still have some things to do."

"Now? It's 11:00 pm, dude." I emphasized.

"I know but I seriously can't stay tonight. I wouldn't leave if it wasn't so crucial, not after the decision we just made."

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Just got to take care of something and I'll return." He said evasively but I was having none of that.

"Okay then, how about a compromise? You either just put off whatever you have to do tonight for another day and stay here with me or I follow you to where you're heading so I won't stay up wondering if you're choose." I said and watched as his eyes narrowed.

"Come on Blake, when did we tell each other everything?"

"Since we just decided to be in a real relationship," I replied sarcastically.

I knew I was putting him on the spot, but this would be my chance to finally know what he did every time he disappeared, and if he didn't want to tell me at least I'd get to spend the night with him like I'd wanted to for so long. It was a win-win.

He stood looking at my expression for a few minutes trying to assess whether I was serious or not. My brows furrowed as I wondered what he was hiding. It had to be something big otherwise he would tell me, right?

Blake looked anxiously at my bedroom door then just when I thought he'd choose to just walk out and get on with his business, he turned back to me with a small smile and started walking over to where I lounged, shedding bits and pieces of his clothes as he walked.

"Compromise... happy?" he said cheekily as he dropped onto the bed beside me in only his boxers.

He lay down close to the edge of the bed and put his hands behind his head. He chose to look up at the ceiling rather than at me. So, I shifted closer to him and reached out to touch his chest. He flinched at my touch, but I didn't back down.

"I feel like I'll never get used to this." He said, turning his head to look at me.

"You will, you just need time." I told him confidently and touched his face, his lips, his neck, to run it through his hair, to rest it on his naked shoulder. He'd never allowed me to touch him like this before unless we were having sex. He shifted uncomfortably on the bed and bit his lip as I trailed my hand over his flesh.

"Just relax," I told him with a whisper then watched as he visibly tried to calm himself by taking a deep breath. Sex between us was usually fast and explosive. This touching and caressing were entirely new to him and easy to understand his discomfort.

"It feels weird having a guy touch me like this. I'm so used to small, soft female hands, but...I don't know why this feels better somehow." He said with a shaky smile.

Satisfied that he was taking it so well I placed a gentle kiss over his heart and dipped my hand lower down his body. When I felt the waistband of his boxers, I paused for a second to run my fingers along the edge. His muscles flexed involuntarily, and I chuckled.

"You like that huh?" I said still chuckling.

"Shut up," he said, shaking his head and I grinned.

I lifted the waistband, and he sucked in a breath, holding it in anticipation of my next move.

"Just tell me what you want, and I'll do it," I said grinning up at him in mischief.

He released the breath he was holding. "Do whatever you want." He said huskily, his gaze on my hand rather than my face.

"Nope, you tell me what you want, or I don't do anything," I said. I wanted to make him feel comfortable asking me for pleasure and also it was fun teasing him. I just continued watching him with a wide grin.

"Ugh, you're an ass you know that?" he said, "Just do doesn't matter." He said again then gyrated his hips so that my knuckles brushed against his heated flesh, and he groaned.

I repeated, "Just say what you want, and I'll do it." I released his waistband and ran my hand inside his boxers, teasing him slightly. I moved even closer to him trailing wet kisses down his neck and on his chest, causing him to move his hands from behind his head and pull my face up to his. But just as he was about to kiss me, I turned my head away.

"No, you want a kiss, you ask for it," I said, softly, enjoying making him squirm.

"Fine, kiss me." He said, frustratedly.

I chuckled, "I said ask, not demand."

"Come on Sean," he groaned.

"Fine," I said taking pity on him. I lowered my face to his and took his lips between mine, soft and gentle, savoring the touch for a while but just as he was getting into it, I broke away and lay down beside him, severing all contact with his body.

"What are you doing?" he asked breathlessly.

𝖂𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now