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Martha outdid herself with Yanli, treating her as her own daughter. I was deeply grateful for Lawrence's assistance, who behaved like a grandfather towards her. Lawrence never fails to bring back a small gift for Yanli whenever he goes out, showing his love and affection for her. Enzo also transformed, quitting drinking.

When Yanli was 6 months old, I found myself in a desperate situation to attend my family's funeral. But Uncle Chen kept postponing the date, making it clear that something was amiss. Lawrence took it upon himself to confront Uncle Chen and get to the bottom of the issue.

Three days later, Lawrence broke the devastating news to me. He revealed that there was no body to bury, as my uncles had intentionally burned the house down to make it look like an accident. Tragically, two police officers also lost their lives while investigating the incident.

I broke down again, but luckily, Yanli was there to make it easier to cope with. Her presence brought me comfort and reminded me that I still had a reason to keep going. I also couldn't have made it through without the unwavering support of Enzo and his parents, who stood by my side and never made me feel lonely in the midst of such a tragedy.

When Yanli turned one year old, I took her to see Blake, and I couldn't help but burst into tears. I longed for his presence and wished that he could have seen her. I loved her with every fiber of my being like I loved him, and every moment spent with her was cherished.

With a team of professional fashion designers and my sewing skills, I was able to establish a successful fashion business. As Yanli grew older, managing the business became easier, and I no longer felt the need to attend school. Instead, I focused on growing my business and providing a stable future for Yanli.

Enzo and I became best friends, and despite his wild antics, we always had each other's backs. Late-night sneaking guys into his room became a hilarious tradition that continued until after his graduation, creating memories we still laugh about today.

Enzo's mom passed away when Yanli was just five years old, leaving a void that was difficult to fill. However, Enzo's dad stepped up and became a loving and caring figure in Yanli's life, providing the support and guidance she needed during her formative years. Despite the challenges we faced, we formed a tight-knit family unit, supporting each other through loss, tragedy, and raising Yanli. Together, we created a loving and nurturing environment that allowed us to thrive both personally and professionally.

Uncle Lee took his own life after years of murdering my mother, grandma, and grandpa. He said he would rather die than go to jail. However, the police arrested Uncle Kang, and he is still serving time for the crime.

Then Enzo met someone who brought a new level of seriousness into his life. They fell in love, got married, and have been together for 10 years now, creating a beautiful and stable partnership. And all of us still live in the same house, which we have renovated and furnished with new items over the years. Despite the changes, our strong bond and shared experiences continue to make it feel like a home filled with love and memories.


What a story. Yanil said, choking on her emotions. I feel cursed. "My dad died, and my mom ran away immediately after she gave birth to me."

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