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"Shit, we..." He couldn't carry on. He bent down to pick up his boots, then turned. It finally dawned on me why he had gathered his clothes in the first place—he was planning to leave just like that. He was scared!

"Blake, wait!" I called out when he reached the door, but he didn't stop, and I jumped out of bed and ran after him.

His hangover slows him down, so I caught up with him in no time and grabbed his hand, pulling him to a stop. He spun around, dragging his arm from mine as if it had been burned, and I felt a flash of hurt at his actions.

"Where are you going? Don't you think we should talk about this?" I asked, moving to stand in front of him so his escape path was blocked. "Blake, we had—" I started, only to be cut off.

His once fearful expression turned cold; his mouth tightened, and his eyes narrowed.

"It's not worth mentioning again. We were drunk; we did some crazy shit, that's all." He gritted his teeth and tried to get around me, but I grabbed his arm.

I was done playing around and hiding my feelings, especially since I knew he was feeling the same way. Maybe not to the extent that I felt them, but he felt something. Those words he uttered to me and the emotion he displayed when he said them couldn't be faked. He felt something, and I would prove it.

"Blake, do you even know the things you said to me last night? The things we-" I started again.

"No! Shut up. I said we were drunk; that's what you do when you're drunk—you say and do crazy shit! " We made a mistake. Just drop it!" He shouted, then moved to brush past me.

"I wasn't drunk, Blake; whatever I did, I wanted to do it, and so did you," I said, then grabbed his arm again, causing him to drop the things he held, and turned him around to face me.

He struggled as I held both his upper arms in a death grip. However, I didn't care. I would show him that I was right and that he felt something, and so I lowered my head and captured his lips with mine. The instant they touched, his struggling ceased, and I felt heat buildup inside me. Warmth spread through my veins, and vibrations glided up my spine. I reveled in the feel of our bodies pressing together and our lips locking.

My heart soared as he kissed me back, seemingly forgetting his earlier anger, and I deepened it, wanting more from him. I couldn't believe I had gone without it for so long. His lips were soft and supple beneath mine, and all I could think about was how right this felt and how right he felt.

My hand slid from his arm to his waist, and I felt him shiver in response to my touch. This reminded me that we both stood there naked and kissing—naked and touching. I groaned when I felt him pull me closer, but upon hearing it, he stiffened in my arms, and the magic was lost. He wrenched himself away from me so that he stood a small distance away, panting and wiping his lips with the back of his hand.

"Blake..." I said taking a step forward.

"Stop!" he exclaimed, even putting out a hand to ward me off. However, I didn't back down. I walked over to him and grabbed his arm again. I'd get him to accept this once and for all. No more waiting. But before I could touch him, he clenched his fist and swung. I felt pain erupt from my chin straight up to my hairline as he slammed his fist into my face. I fell onto one knee, my face in my hand, as I blinked to expel the dizziness.

"I'm not a fucking queer!" He shouted, then bent down to pick up his discarded clothes from the ground.

"Blake, I know it's not easy to accept, but..." I started, pushing myself to my feet with my hand still pressed to the side of my face.

"Bullshit! Fuck you, Sean!" He gritted his teeth and rushed down the stairs and out the door.

I walked the short distance and sat at the top of the staircase. My head bowed as I listened to his car start up, and then he was gone.

"So, he just punched you and ran out? Just like that? Grandpa asked. His brows furrowed in concern.

"Yeah, pretty much," I muttered, adjusting the ice pack over my left eye.

We were sitting in the living room talking about the morning events. Grandpa sat by my side, his legs curled in the chair and his eyes on me.

"Are you sure he felt the same way, though? Do you think he was just saying things? "He was drunk after all. Grandpa asked me softly.

"He told me he loved me and had been waiting for us to... you know... I trailed off.

"Yeah, but that could be..."

"And then he told me he wished it could be different, that we could be together without anyone judging." I quickly continued.

"Wow, he said all that while you guys were having sex?" Grandpa asked, and I blushed.

"He gets very emotional when drunk. And anyway, those are just a few of his words.He poured out his heart to me. He wasn't just saying a bunch of random shit, trust me." I explained, hoping he could understand.

"And he kissed me back when I kissed him this morning. What does that tell you?" I asked again.

Well, I guess you have a point, but he doesn't accept it. He has been with girls before. It's not easy for him to switch teams." Grandpa said wisely.

"He looks stubborn as hell. How're you going to get him to accept it?" Grandpa muttered, raising an eyebrow.

Well, that's why I'm here. Do you have any advice?" I asked, hopeful, then watched as Grandpa glanced at the TV and then back at me.

"Yeah, cover your face next time he takes a swing at you," Grandpa said, then turned back to his movie.

Yeah, Blake might be easy to figure out, but this situation wasn't easy. I sighed and slumped onto the couch.

𝖂𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now