Pool Party.

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It has been a week since I arrived at this place, but I haven't found the person I wanted. I'm losing hope as each day passes without him. Despite my disappointment, I must attend a pool party at the resort, thanks to my grandpa's insistence.
I reluctantly dressed for the party, wearing black shorts and a blue shirt. I tied my long black hair up in a bun.

When we got to the pool party, it was crowded with people in colorful swimsuits and swim shorts. The pool was also full of people. The scene was bright and lively, and I couldn't help but feel envy as I looked around.

Suddenly, someone taps my shoulder. I looked up and saw the guy from game night who was clinging to me. He laughed heartily as he reminded me of who he was.

I have been looking for you all week and have finally found you. Why don't you sit with us? He smiled, and my grandpa shooed me away.

I remember a few faces from game night as I sat on a chair and was handed a bottle of beer.

I don't drink. I said, rolling my eyes.

He smiled and said, "That's alright, no pressure. You can just hold the bottle and pretend to drink it if you want."

After hesitating for a few moments, I finally held the bottle and tried to blend in with the other drinkers. After a few minutes of holding the bottle, I decided to drink, and surprisingly, the taste wasn't as sour as I expected. I was relieved to find that the beer had lower alcohol levels than in the shot.

He smiled and said, "My name is Lorenzo. What's yours?" before squeezing himself into my chair.

"My name is Sean," I said, adjusting myself to his tight squeeze.

So, the guy from Game Night is your boyfriend? Lorenzo looked at me and smiled.

"Hmm, it's complicated, Lorenzo," I replied.

Lorenzo chuckled, "I understand." Let's enjoy each other's company and have fun for the night. We can worry about our serious lives tomorrow." He winked.

I laughed at his carefree attitude, something I hadn't experienced before. I was so used to a serious and structured life, but this was a whole different world.

My eyes trailed to where my grandpa was, and he smiled at me, raising his wine glass. As I looked around, my eyes searched for a familiar face. And then my gaze landed on him. The person I was searching for.

The intensity of his stare caught me off guard, sending a shiver down my spine. The way he looked at me and Lorenzo was unsettling, to say the least. It was as if something lurked beneath the surface, something dark and mysterious.

Lorenzo chose that moment to pull my bun. "I like it when your hair is down because it's seductive and I can play with it while writhing underneath you." His words jolted me, causing me to look away from the mysterious gaze of this nameless person.

"Lorenzo, we will get murdered if you don't stop," I said, standing up.

Lorenzo smiled mischievously. "Mmm, you are not just sexy, but beasty too. I like it," he said, standing up.

When I turned around to look for the mysterious person, he was gone. By the time my eyes returned to Lorenzo, he was standing beside him, staring at me.

His eyes darkened, and the next minute he turned around and walked away.

I handed Lorenzo my beer and ran after him, wondering why I had to chase him like a mischievous cat on the prowl. Perhaps it was his adventurous spirit that compelled him to constantly be in motion, or maybe it was just his way of keeping life exciting.

As I sprinted through the crowd, jostling past people and dodging obstacles, I couldn't help but feel frustration and amusement.

I finally caught up with him when he entered the elevator. He spun around to face me with a mischievous glint in his eye as I entered the elevator. I was out of breath, but I laughed at the situation. He made ordinary moments extraordinary.

"Where have you been?" "I've been looking for you all week," I asked.

He didn't answer, only pulling up his hoodie as his hands shook. He refused to look me in the eye. I could tell something was wrong, but I didn't press him for answers. I simply stood there, waiting for him to speak.

I moved closer to him, gently taking his hoodie off his head. "Are you okay?" I asked, my voice softening with concern. He still refused to look me in the eye, and I waited patiently for him to answer.

The elevator door opened, and he stepped outside. I walked alongside him. However, to my surprise, he didn't say anything. His silence was deafening, and it only added to my frustration.

I looked at him and said, "Can you stop confusing me? If you're not willing to talk to me and keep acting like a spoiled brat, I'm out of here."

He just looked at me, his expression unreadable. I sighed and turned away, walking into the elevator and away from the awkward situation.

I walked back to the pool, and Lorenzo handed me a cold beer as if he knew I needed it. I took a sip and looked up at him, expecting an apology. But the boy smiled and shrugged as if to say it was all part of life. I couldn't help but smile.

He grinned and handed me a barbecue plate. "You can stay with me tonight, and I will make you forget your troubles," he said.

I thanked him and took the plate, my mouth watering from the barbecue smell. We sat down and ate. The conversation slowly eased back into a comfortable rhythm.

I enjoyed myself, but worry crept into my mind. I couldn't help but think about the guy. What if something was wrong with him? What if he needed help? These thoughts overshadowed my enjoyment, and I was concerned.

My Grandpa looked at me smiling and said, "My boy, it's time to go home". I reluctantly nodded and got up, still worrying about the guy. I knew I had to get home, but I couldn't shake the feeling.

"Do you have to go? Can't you stay the night?" Lorenzo asked, looking disappointed.

My Grandpa chuckled and said, "Well, his mother will kill us both if I let him stay the night. But don't worry, he can see you tomorrow." He winked at Lorenzo and added, "I'm sure he won't mind."

"Okay, see you tomorrow, Sean," he smiled. "I look forward to it!"

As we drove away from the parking lot, Grandpa smiled and said, "Life is happening to you, my boy."

What do you mean life is happening to me? I asked.

Grandpa smiled and explained, "Life is full of surprises." You can't control everything, but you can enjoy the moments as they come. You are chasing someone while someone else is chasing you. Don't worry too much about what will happen; just enjoy each moment as it comes."

I couldn't help but smile at his words, and relief washed over me. I was grateful to have such a wise and understanding Grandpa.

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