Shut up

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Why didn't you confront me? If I overheard you having that kind of conversation with someone, I'd definitely ask you to find out why you did it. I asked.

I didn't confront you because I thought you had moved on and I didn't want to come between you two, especially since she was pregnant. I didn't want to stir up any unnecessary drama or cause any additional stress for either of you. Blake murmurs.

"Twenty years have passed, but Zhan still hasn't moved on," Williams said, still pressing his computer keys.

"I'm sorry," Lee whispered, his voice barely audible.

"Too late for apologies." Aiden rolled his eyes, dismissing the idea that any remorse would be forthcoming.

If you remember, I was crying the day you called me to see you the next day. That day was the worst day of my entire life, except for the day you lied to me that Blake died. "I said it icily, hoping to convey my anger and disappointment. It was difficult for me to trust you after that, and I didn't want to give you the satisfaction of seeing how much you hurt me."

My uncles killed my mother, grandmother, and grandfather, leaving me feeling empty and cursed. The sudden loss of everyone I loved left me no time to grieve their passing. However, with the news of Qin's pregnancy, a ray of hope emerged, and I felt alive again. I pinned my hopes on the baby, believing it would bring me happiness. Therefore, I was excited to share this news with you. I know Blake is an only child. It's ironic how I shared personal and vulnerable information with him, yet I know nothing about his family or background. I wanted to inform you so you could relay the news of their grandchild's impending arrival to them.

Throughout my tumultuous journey, Yanli provided me with hope and happiness. Her unwavering support and infectious smile kept my spirits afloat. Yanli's presence served as a constant reminder that there is still goodness in the world, even in the darkest of times. 

I visited your grave with her for 12 years until she said she was not visiting anymore, but I never stopped doing so. I did it every year for 20 years and cried my heart out. I continued visiting your grave on my own. It felt therapeutic, in a way, to continue honoring your memory. I cherished the moments I spent at your grave, talking to you and expressing my deepest thoughts and feelings. It was a way for me to stay connected to you, even in death. As the years passed, the visits became more emotional. With each passing year, the wound of losing you seemed to grow deeper. I would find myself shedding tears as I laid the flowers on your grave, overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of my grief. While the pain of losing you has never diminished, I have come to understand that my decision to continue visiting your grave was the right one. It was an act of love and remembrance, a way to express my unwavering affection for you.

A few days ago, I visited your grave again, just as I had done so many times before. I said, gazing at Blake. A sudden surge of anger washed over me. The idea of killing him consumed me. The thought flashed through my mind, fueling my frustration and resentment. It was a moment of intense emotion, fueled by grief and injustice.

I don't think I'd be wrong if I killed you now. With my eyes fixed on Blake. I asked "Williams, can I plead self-defense and get a few years?" my voice trembling with desperation and anger.

𝖂𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now