Sperm donor

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I woke up earlier than normal had my bath and was ready to go and see Yanli. Surprisingly everyone woke up one after the other. We entered the rented car and went to the CIA's office.

Good morning, I would like to meet with my client, Miss Yanli Zhan. Williams said to the guy we met inside.

The guy clicked on his computer for a few seconds and then looked at us, adjusting his glasses. "She is not allowed visitors, order from above," the guy said.

Why is she not allowed visitors? Aiden asked. "She hacked into our confidential files," the guy replied.

Either you let me see my client or I call the Brazilian embassy and you have an entire country to deal with. Williams hissed.

"I understand your frustration," the guy said calmly, "but those are the rules we have to follow. If you have any concerns or need help, I can connect you with our boss."

"I apologize for the inconvenience, but our boss is not available today," the guy said, after picking up the intercom and making a call. "If you have any concerns or need further assistance, I can connect you with another member of our team who may provide more information."

Williams dialed a number on his phone and spoke in Portuguese. His voice was filled with frustration and anger. It was a tone I knew all too well when he used it to scold Enzo and me.

Two minutes later, we heard a voice from behind calling out, "Mr. Williams?" We all turned to look at him and Williams answered, "Yes." The person then said, "Please come with me," and he walked back to his office, with us following closely behind.

Suddenly, the boss that was absent is now in his office mysteriously after Williams made a phone call.

"Please sit," the man said as we all entered his office. My name is Croft Davis. "I'm sorry all this is happening, but it's a security breach.

"I understand the rules, but this situation is urgent. Is there any way we can appeal this decision or expedite the process?" Williams asked.

"No one has hacked into our system for 30 years, and we only want to know who she is working with," Croft Davis answered.

We all laughed, finding the situation amusing. It was a shock to believe that Miss Yanli Zhan would be capable of hacking into the CIA or working with anyone, for that matter. The idea seemed far-fetched and unlikely. Williams said, laughing.

"Well, I guess you don't know your client," Croft Davis said with a smirk. "Miss Yanli Zhan may not look capable of hacking into the CIA, but appearances can be deceiving. We have evidence, and we take these matters very seriously."

"Can I talk to my daughter, please?" I asked, exhausted by this back-and-forth talk. 

Croft Davis sighed and looked at me with sympathy. "I'm sorry, but that's not possible at the moment. We need a thorough investigation. It would be best if we refrained from allowing direct communication between Miss Zhan and her father at this time," Croft Davis replied calmly.

𝖂𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now