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What does it look like? Blake asked as he pushed me out of the way.

"How did you get here?" I asked.

"Your grandpa seems popular." "I asked around," he said with a smirk.

"Come on, let's get you to sleep," I said, rolling my eyes as I pulled him upstairs to my room. "You've had too much to drink tonight!"

"Just a little," he slurred as he gestured with his fingers.

Then I dragged him upstairs and put him on my bed. I took one of his boots off, but he kept standing up.

"Jesus Blake, stay still," I said, exasperated.

Jeez, when the guy was drunk, he was all over the place. I grabbed his foot again and quickly dragged off his other boot before he could get up again.

"Lorenzo is hot, isn't he, Sean?" Blake asked, but I chose not to answer. Instead, I quickly pulled off his jeans and threw it into a nearby chair. I straightened up with a sigh of relief.

I have to admit that I liked that he got drunk because he showed more of himself. He was touchy-feely, like an enormous teddy bear, and almost needy, like a child. He made me feel needed, and even though he was a pain in my ass, it felt right when he needed me.

"Don't you think he is hot, Sean?" he asked again, drunkenly.

"Yeah, Blake, he is hot." I placated him and then turned to leave the room.

"I don't think he is hot... not like you." He spoke again.

"You're more drunk than I thought." I shook my head and turned out the lights, intending to go to the living room and sleep. It was a crazy night.

"Don't you want to hear why I don't want you?" he called out to me.

For a moment, I thought about ignoring him and going to the living room, but I'd heard that usually what a person said when they were drunk was the truth, and if I wanted the answer to that question, now was the time to get it since there was no way he would tell me when he was sober.

He looks like someone who likes sealing everything up. So, I turned and stepped back into the room, leaning against the door frame and squinting at him through the darkness.

Okay, tell me," I said.

I'd like you to come here to hear me. He said, and I could hear his grin.

I walked over to him and sat down on the bed at his side.

"Alright, now te-" To my shock, I didn't even get to finish my sentence as Blake pulled me down onto the bed, and in no time, his lips were on mine. I was so shocked at first that all I could do was lie there as he kissed me.

Then, when I got over that initial surprise, I didn't push him away like I should have. I returned the kiss, first tentatively and then enthusiastically. I knew he was drunk; I knew he probably wouldn't remember this in the morning, and he had no idea what he was doing now. However, I couldn't help myself. His lips were the sweetest I'd ever tasted. His heat flowed over me in waves, and I lost myself in his drunken touch.

"I should stop this, I should stop this, the thought whirled through my mind repeatedly, but the very feel of Blake doing exactly what I'd been dreaming of for a week was my undoing, and so as I pulled the shirt over his head and flipped him over so that I was hovering over him as I plunged deeper into the kiss, all thoughts of consequences flew, and I no longer cared what would happen in the morning; I was too lost in what was happening right then and there.

I burrowed deeper into the blanket and groaned when the warmth disappeared.

When I got into a comfortable position, I curled up into a ball, fully prepared to fall headfirst into a deeper sleep. However, the sound of something hitting the floor and then the string of curses that followed pulled me out of my sleep-induced comfort.

My eyes flew open, and I sat up on the bed. When I saw his naked frame wandering around the room, everything came back to me in a flash—the wonderful night I'd had, the heart-stopping sex. It was a hundred times better than I had imagined it would be.

Who knew our intimacy could be so...intense? But the best part of my night was what he said to me. I knew that, despite being drunk, he meant every word. If I was certain of nothing else, I was certain of that.

This is what caused the huge grin on my face at the moment as I watched him gather up his clothes while pressing one hand to his head; he had a hangover.

He still hadn't realized I was awake, so I enjoyed watching him for a few more seconds. He was stark naked, and from where I sat, I could see the hickies that bathed his body. That made my grin expand; it felt like I had marked him somehow.

Having him marked as mine was such a satisfying feeling. While he hurriedly gathered pieces of clothing, he kept running clumsily into things, and now and then he'd mutter a frustrated curse.

"I'm almost afraid to ask what you're doing," I said with a grin. I watched as he froze where he stood, then turned around slowly. It was his facial expression at that moment that caused my grin to slip and disappear completely. His eyes were wide with...fright?

He stood there, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. He looked almost like he'd just had a nightmare as he stared at me without uttering a single word.

"Blake? Everything all right, dude?" I asked with uncertainty.

He stood silently staring at me for a second, then cleared his throat and uttered in a shaky voice, "W-what happened last night?" He looked like he did not even want to hear the answer by the way he stepped back with his eyes still wide.

My brows furrowed. "You don't remember?"

"I-I remember...parts. Somethings, but. He said. He looked uncomfortable.

"Like what?" I pushed. I needed to know if he remembered. I couldn't be the only one who remembered such a wonderful night.

"I remember." He took a deep breath and continued, "I don't know. Just tell me," He pleaded. It was then that I realized he wouldn't be happy about what we had done. This is Blake.

I didn't know why I harbored fantasies that this would change things for the better. The things he had said to me as we had sex swirled around in my mind. He meant them; I knew he meant them even if he probably only had sex with me because he was drunk. So, I found myself going out on a limb to see how it would play out.

"We had sex," I replied, then watched his expression shift from scared to horrified, disgusted, angry, uncertain, and then back to fearful.

𝖂𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now