Ran away.

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I couldn't sleep that night. My mind was racing with thoughts and emotions. Enzo's words about Blake had pierced my heart, leaving me feeling wounded to my bones. It wasn't my intention to justify or excuse his cheating, but I couldn't help but wonder if things would have turned out differently if I had addressed my feelings sooner.

Deep down, I don't regret accepting Qin's baby. It is mine, and I will always love and cherish it. However, the pain and disappointment caused by Enzo's actions have left a lasting impact on me. I never imagined that our friendship would unravel this way, and it hurts to know that I was indirectly responsible for it.

As the minutes turned into hours, I couldn't help but reflect on the past and what could have been. I questioned my decisions and wondered whether there was something I could have done to prevent the situation from escalating. It was a painful realization, but it also served as a reminder of the power and impact of open communication.

"Looking back, I wish I had had the courage to express my feelings to Blake sooner."

I didn't sleep until 5 a.m. and woke up around 11 a.m. After waking up, I headed to the shower and allowed the water to wash my sorrows away. As I stood there, tears streamed down my face, filled with grief, sorrow, and longing. I couldn't help but wish things had been different with Blake. I longed for the days where we could share our dreams and aspirations together. I couldn't help but wish he was alive, so that he could witness the joy and beauty of his daughter.

I miss my mom, grandpa, and grandma. Death has cruelly snatched them away, leaving me with only memories and an aching heart. Their absence creates a void in my life that can never be filled. I miss them deeply, and their absence reminds me of life's preciousness.

I want them back. I long for their presence, their laughter, and their gentle guidance. I miss the conversations we would have, the moments we would share, and the comfort they would bring. I miss their presence, and I yearn for the day when I will see them again.

I sat on the cold, hard tile floor, I allowed myself to succumb to the wave of emotions that washed over me. I cried my heart out, allowing the tears to flow freely. It was a release, a way to express the depth of my sorrow and longing for those I have lost.

In that moment, I realized that grief is a journey, one that is unique to each person. It is a constant companion, existing alongside joy and contentment. I have learned to embrace the pain, knowing that it is a reflection of my love for those I have lost.

In the depths of my sorrow, I find solace in the memories we shared, and, in the knowledge, they are watching over me from above. I miss them, and I long for the day when we will reunite once again. Until then, I will hold on to the memories and keep them close to my heart.

After gathering my strength, I slowly stood up from the floor and washed off the remnants of my tears and had a quick shower. As I dried myself off, I returned to my room, carrying my sorrow with me.

As soon as I opened my door, laughter was the first thing I heard. I followed the sound and saw Qin, Lawrence, and Martha talking and laughing. But Enzo was not here. Perhaps he was ashamed to come out, burdened by the weight of what transpired between us last night.

𝖂𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now