Stay dead

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Blake got someone pregnant. Lee asked, shocked.

Yes, I hissed and walked away.

"Wait." I heard Blake's deep voice, but I didn't wait for him. I walked to the car park. Blake and Lee ran after me. When I got to the car and opened the back door, Blake closed it, panting heavily.

Please talk to me, he said, catching his breath.

Excuse me, do I know you? I asked, already frustrated.

"Sean, please can you talk to us?" Lee asked, his tone softening. "I saw her at Glistering Island, and I wanted to talk to her. She looked like my boss, but she ran away," Lee explained.

"No, and honestly, I'm glad she ran away," I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "You both seem to have enough drama in your lives already, and I have no interest in getting involved."

Sean, please talk to me. Blake said.

"I'm sorry, but I have no interest in talking to either of you," I replied firmly, my frustration evident in my voice. "It's clear that there's already enough drama in your lives, and I don't want to be a part of it."

Sean, please tell me what happened. Blake pleaded.

"I thought you didn't know me. You are dead, aren't you? Please stay dead," I said coldly, refusing to engage with them further.

Sean, please, Blake said as he held my hand. But I snatched it away and stepped back

"Sorry, Blake," I said, my voice trembling with emotion. "But I can't continue this conversation. It's too painful for me. It's best if we all go our separate ways." Goodbye. With that, I entered the car, and the driver zoomed away, leaving them both behind. My heart aches with unresolved feelings.

I called Williams on my way to the CIA office, as he is a lawyer, and briefed him about what had happened. To my surprise, he informed me he would be on the next available flight. As we ended the call, I felt relieved.

When I arrived at the CIA office, it was already past 12 PM. Desperate to see my daughter; I pleaded with the security officer but was told that the office was closed. Feeling defeated, I apologized and agreed to wait until the morning.

Without hesitation, I removed my shoes and socks, as well as my suit, leaving me in only my shirt and trousers. Exhausted and filled with a mix of emotions, I sat down outside the compound's gate. The minutes turned into hours, and my mind spiraled with thoughts of what had happened to Yanli, and the ongoing torment caused by Blake's presence. I silently promised myself that I would never shed tears over him, as I had endured this suffering for 20 years.

As the night passed, I did not sleep. The weight of my unanswered questions and heartache consumed me.

By 7am, I noticed people were starting to arrive at the office. Remembering the convenience store nearby, I decided to take a stroll and bought a brush and toothpaste. After freshening up in the bathroom, I grabbed a hot coffee and made my way back to the CIA office, determined to face the day ahead.

"I'd like to see my daughter, Yanli," I said to the officer sitting in front of a computer with large glasses. The officer looked up from his screen, his expression softening for a moment before nodding. "Luckily, the officer recognized the name and called his colleague, who confirmed Yanli was in the building. A glimmer of hope sparked within me to see my daughter."

"Sorry," he replied, "she's not allowed visitors." My heart sank.

Why can't I see her? I'm her father. I would like to speak with the person in charge. I pleaded.

𝖂𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now