Don't delete them.

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The drive to the airport was fun. I couldn't help but feel grateful for the two individuals placed in my life by a higher power. Their presence brought immense happiness and comfort.

The road stretched out before us, with the morning sun shining brightly overhead. The car was filled with laughter and lighthearted conversations, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie. It felt like time stood still, allowing us to savor each moment of this enjoyable drive.

 As we cruise along the highway, we admire the picturesque scenery passing by. The lush green fields and rolling hills mirrored our joy.

As the airport came into view, a bittersweet feeling washed over me. While I was excited about the adventures that awaited me at my destination, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness, knowing that this incredible drive was about to end.

My mom's embrace was so tight that it felt like she squeezed my intestines. The warmth of her hug made me feel loved and safe, but almost suffocating. As I struggled to catch my breath, my grandma gently tapped my mom's hand, reminding her she was suffocating me. Reluctantly, my mom let me go, but I could still feel the lingering tightness in my chest from her tight embrace.

"I will call you every hour," my mom said, her voice filled with concern. "And if you need anything, ask your grandfather." Tears welled up in her eyes, and she gave me one last tight hug before stepping away.

My grandma also gave me a tight hug and passed me a bag. "Change before you board. Take care of yourself and call us when you get there, she said, before planting a kiss on my cheeks. With that, she said her goodbyes and left, leaving me with warmth and love.

I walk to the bathroom to change my clothes. To my delight, my grandma bought me jeans, a shirt, and a jacket. I wasted no time swapping my previous attire for these stylish ones. The moment I slipped into this outfit, I instantly felt comfortable. Unlike the tight female jeans that I had become accustomed to wearing, these jeans allowed my body to relax and breathe. My cock expressed gratitude for its newfound freedom.

When I walk out of the bathroom, I see a guy walking into the airport. He looks handsome and cool in his stylish outfit. He wears slim-fit jeans, a button-down shirt, and a designer leather jacket. His perfectly tailored outfit made him look even more attractive. I admire his confidence.

When I checked in, I noticed he was heading to the same terminal as me. Seeing as he was travelling to the same city as I was, I figured this was fate. I was excited for some bizarre reason.

Immediately after we boarded, my phone rang. I quickly reached into my pocket to retrieve it, hoping it wasn't an inconvenience for my seatmate.

"Hello Mom, yes, we just boarded. I'll miss you too and tell Grandma she rocks".

Okay, Mom, I love you too. Bye.

As I was on the phone with my mom, my eyes quickly scanned around the plane to see if I could find him. However, people were still boarding, and the aisle was still crowded. Bye.

I made a mental note to look for him before we landed, but I saw him come in last. He sat two seats away from me. I must have done something good in my previous life to be this lucky!

He was wearing a thick grey hoodie instead of the jacket he wore earlier. He pulled it over his head, almost covering his face, and rested his head on his seat.

Two hours into our journey, I can't stop thinking about him. I took out my phone from my pocket and slowly stood up from my seat. I crossed the aisle carefully, not wanting to wake anyone up. I stopped a couple of feet away and stared. I couldn't look away. I didn't know how long I stood there, but eventually I returned to my seat and tried to sleep.

Immediately I settled into my seat, a wave of realization washed over me. Without wasting time, I jumped up and headed towards his seat. With caution, I gently pulled the hoodie back from his face and took many pictures. As soon as I finished, he unexpectedly opened his eyes and grabbed hold of my phone, his fingers brushing against my skin in a way that felt strangely satisfying. A smile spread across my face as I returned to my seat, feeling warm.

I closed my eyes and drifted off into a peaceful sleep until I felt the gentle pressure of the plane's landing. I awoke feeling refreshed and ready to explore the destination I had been dreaming of for so long.

I grabbed my backpack and walked to the baggage claim area, where I retrieved my bag. After passing immigration with my luggage in tow, I waited for him to arrive.

As he approached, I noticed him dragging his bag behind him while my phone rang in his pocket.

"That's my phone. Can I answer?" I ask, closing the distance between us.

To my surprise, he picks it up and put it on speaker.

"Hello baby, I've been calling you. Have you seen your grandpa? I know you landed 10 minutes ago," my mom said.

Sorry, Mom, I was at baggage claim. I will be outside in a few minutes.

Okay, Love, call me when you are with my father. She says, ending the call.

"You saved your mom's number as, baby?" He looks at me and puts my phone back in his pocket.

"Ahhh, there you are, my boy." I hear my grandpa's voice. He looks at me with a twinkle in his eye before hugging me and saying, "Your mom was worried about you; why didn't you pick up the phone?"

I hugged him back tightly. My boyfriend seized my phone. I whispered to him, "He is overprotective sometimes."

My grandpa then pulled away from me and pulled the guy into a tight hug. "You must be my grandson's boyfriend," he said with a smile. "It's nice to meet you. I'm glad you are here."

The guy looks at us like we are aliens before turning to me. Aside from taking people's pictures without their permission, you also lie. He hissed as he pulled out my phone from his pocket. Flipping my phone since it has no password.

"Please don't delete them," I pleaded, moving closer to him. "I understand it was wrong to take pictures without your permission, but these pictures are dear to me. Can I keep them?"

He shook his head. "No. No, you can't." He then quickly deleted the pictures before handing me my phone. As he did, a car pulled up, and he walked inside, leaving me and my grandpa standing there. I was left with an empty phone, a sinking feeling in my stomach, and the realization that I had made a huge mistake.

Grandpa pulled me away, and we entered his car. I couldn't even enjoy the place's serenity; my mind was elsewhere. I was still reeling from my mistake, and the thought of losing his pictures weighed heavily on my mind.

"Ahhh, there he is," my grandpa said, jolting me back to life. He spotted the guy who had taken my phone and pointed it toward him. We watched as he walked inside a building, disappearing into the crowd.

My grandpa put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Let's go home, son." I nodded, and we drove away in silence.

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