The morning after.

82 14 7

Wang's Pov.

Blake, this is a wrong idea. Lee emphasized, standing in front of me.

"I understand," I replied. "But I need to see him; I won't stay long, I promise."

"Blake, you've had too much to drink," Lee said frantically. "Just see him tomorrow; you don't need to do this tonight."

Please, I plead; I know what you think. Lee, Father doesn't have to know. I said, tears welling up in my eyes. "I just want to talk to him; I won't stay long. I'm not planning to do anything stupid; I promise."

Lee looked at me for the longest time before shrugging and saying, "I'm coming with you."

"Lee, please," I said. "I'll be fine and back in no time. I just need to talk to him, and then I'll be done."

No, Lee said sternly. "If anything happens to you, I am dead."

I showed him the map, pointing out that the destination was just around the corner. He reluctantly nodded and gave me the car key. However, I could tell he was still worried and intended to follow me.

I started the car and drove off, watching the rearview mirror for Lee. I knew he was following me and was anxious about my safety, but I reassured him that I would be back soon. I sped down the street, my heart pounding as I approached my destination. In five minutes, I arrived at Sean's house.


My breath hitched at the thought of him—something that had been happening lately.

I parked my car in the open space beside his grandpa's car, feeling uneasy as I turned off the engine. I stepped out and walked toward the door. The anticipation of encountering Lorenzo here filled me with fear and uncertainty. Despite my trepidation, I took a deep breath and approached the door, mentally preparing for whatever happened.

I rang the doorbell, my mind racing with different thoughts about Sean and Lorenzo being together. I wondered if that was the reason no one answered the door. I waited for a few more moments, but there was no response. I pressed the doorbell again with a heavy heart and waited for a few moments, getting impatient. I was about to press it for the third time when Sean opened the door.

The next morning......

"I had sex with Sean. I had sex with Sean." I quickly put on my clothes before I entered the car.

My hands clenched the steering wheel in a death grip, and I fought to keep my breathing normal as thoughts of last night assaulted me. If I didn't want to believe it, the throbbing in my ass, which caused me to shift frequently in the seat, confirmed it.

I pulled over to the side of the road a few minutes later. I turned off the engine and dropped my head on the steering wheel. "I had sex with Sean and liked it."

I knew Iwas wasted last night, so how could I remember it? Every single embarrassing detail was lodged in my brain, and no matter how much I tried to forget it, it wouldn't go away. The things I'd said! The things I'd done!

I groaned out loud and banged my head against the steering wheel, my face flaming. I woke up this morning with a throbbing headache and the wonderful feeling of being wrapped in his arms. I felt safe and happy, but then everything drifted back to me. I wasn't supposed to feel these things; he was a guy, and my actions would get both of us killed.

Sean claimed he hadn't been drunk last night but admitted to wanting to do the things we'd done. He kissed me with such intensity this morning that my head spun.

The guy I had a craze for, ever since the plane incident, whose image I jerked off to every morning before I did anything else.

"I had sex with Sean, who was a guy."

My heart pounded in my chest at the realization that I had forgotten about my father being a ruthless mafia leader who was also homophobic. I had been so lost in my feelings that I had just gone along with it and had sex with a guy. I was scared of what my father would do if he found out. And that made me feel like an even bigger dick.

Maybe all we had to do to get rid of the feelings was do it again and get it out of our systems, so we could move on. But the thought didn't make me feel better. I had a feeling that doing it again would only make things even worse, because we'd done it last night, and instead of feeling back to normal, my lust only intensified—the raging boner between my legs could testify to that!

"God, what do I do?" I shouted in frustration.

I couldn't lose Sean over this. I couldn't. We'd just pretend it didn't happen. It was the right way.

I returned to the resort and entered my room. Lee silently trailed behind me, closing the door as we entered.

Concern was evident on his face as he asked, "Are you okay?" Did he hurt you? I deeply regret leaving last night. When I saw him open the door for you, I assumed he would take care of you. However, I was mistaken.

Tears cascaded down my cheeks as I replied, "We had sex, and I loved it." My eyes were fixed on him.

He laughed and looked at me. "Is that why you are crying? Don't worry, you can have fun while we are here. I'm here with you, and I won't let anyone hurt you." He replied.

I nodded, wiping my eyes. "Dad would kill the three of us if he found out. I'm scared." I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.

Lee's face suddenly became serious as he replied, "Don't worry, he won't find out. I promise you; we will keep this a secret." He reassured me with a gentle smile.

"You won't tell him?" I asked, sounding surprised.

Lee nodded and said, "I don't work for him; I work for you." Get some rest. I will ask them to bring food to your room." He smiled reassuringly and walked out.

I undressed myself and entered the bathroom. As the hot water cascaded down my body, I felt my worries dissolve, allowing calm to wash over me. In that tense moment, my mind replayed the previous night's events. Every detail, every sensation, flooded back to me, causing an intense desire to surge through me. It was as if a reminder of the passionate encounter last night awakened a primal need within me. My body responded, my cock throbbing with an insatiable craving, yearning to be fulfilled.

𝖂𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now