Bruised rib.

90 12 19

Wang's Pov.

I lifted my shirt to inspect the damage, trying to keep my breathing shallow to lessen the pain. I poked gently at the large, dark bruise running from my ribs down to my right hip. I shuddered when the pain exploded up my side. It had been throbbing relentlessly for about an hour now, and every time I moved, the pain intensified.

Next time I wouldn't question my dad, I'd do exactly as he said; it was my fault for questioning him in the first place, and of course, Wen Ruo Han wouldn't be happy either. When I felt another shot of pain, I visualized for the thousandth time how it would feel to control my mouth, listen and nod. But I wanted to live the life of a normal teenager and not worry about getting married but about grades and girls. Of course, it was pointless.

I'm supposed to marry his business partner's daughter immediately after college, but we are getting engaged before I go to college.

With a sigh, I pushed off the wall in the empty bathroom and hobbled down the steps to board the plane. I was surprised the guy from earlier recognized me. He caught my eye as soon as I entered the airport. I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the guy's long, flowing hair that cascaded down his back. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before, and it gave him an air of mystery. As our eyes met, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to this encounter than just a passing glance.

I sat in my seat, groaning at the pain that shot through me. I covered my head with my hoodie and tried to sleep, but I was far from it. I rested my head on the chair and thought of a million and one things when I saw the guy from earlier walking towards me. As he stood in front of me for the longest time, I prayed it wasn't what I thought. He walked back to his seat and returned immediately, gently taking my hoodie off. I closed my eyes quickly.

He took pictures to his fill, and I opened my eyes, snatching his phone from his hand. He smiled and walked back to his seat.

When we landed, I saw him and approached him right away. My dad or Wen Ruo Han may have people watching me but I didn't care. His phone rang in my pocket.

"That's my phone. Can I answer it?" He asked. His sweet voice echoed in my ears. I took out his phone from my pocket and "Baby" popped up. I was relieved he had someone and wouldn't bother me, but I felt a pinch in my chest.

After answering the phone, I put it on speaker, and when I heard him call her mom, I felt relieved. They talked for a few minutes. I couldn't help but feel jealousy, but I quickly brushed it aside. Then a man came out of nowhere and hugged him and then hugged me. I can't remember the last time someone embraced me—maybe when I was 6 before my family scattered.

He told his grandfather Iwas his boyfriend. I felt both butterflies and aches in my stomach. I wish it were true, but I have to delete the pictures. My father made it compulsory not to have my pictures taken by people or paparazzi. The last time someone took pictures of me and uploaded them, my father killed his father to make an example. And many people don't recognize me. I deleted the pictures despite his plea.

The next day, I was in my room when Lee told me the airport guy was in the game lounge. As I rushed out of my room, I found myself standing in front of the lounge out of breath. When I entered, he was shirtless, and a guy clung to him. I felt anger and jealousy.

I stood behind him and controlled myself as I got his attention before walking out. He followed me as I quickly strode out of the game lounge, my heart pounding with rage and jealousy.

I sat at the fountain, and when he sat beside me, I was happy. Although I tried to hide it, he could tell I was jealous. I was embarrassed to admit it, but I had never felt that way toward anyone before.

He leaned in close and whispered his name in my ear. He told me he liked me. I was filled with a mix of emotions as I realized he felt the same way I did. Then he kissed me, and it was heavenly. I had never felt so close and connected to someone before. I felt my heart swell with love and joy.

Then I remembered my father and quickly pushed him away, then ran.

I stayed away from Sean for a week, scared of my feelings. If my father or Wen Ruo Han found out, they would be furious, and I was sure they would punish me. So, I kept my distance and tried to control my feelings.

I was peacefully asleep when Lee suddenly entered the room and informed me that Sean was attending a pool party downstairs. I quickly washed my face to freshen up after hearing the news and headed downstairs.

As I got to the pool, I noticed Sean sitting in the same chair as the person who had clung to him in the game lounge. Our gazes met, and Seanimmediately got up.

I felt a wave of anger wash over me as I realized what was happening. I glared at the guy who flirted with "My Sean" under my nose.

He pulled Sean's hair to get his attention, and I used that to walk and stand beside the guy. His long hair added a different kind of sexiness to his appearance, and I was unhappy that someone else touched it. I had to suppress my inner turmoil and not show my feelings as I stared coldly at the guy.

I tried to keep my emotions in check and put a stern expression on my face. My eyes darkened as Sean turned to look at me, and at that moment, I didn't want to lead him on anymore. I didn't want both of us to be heartbroken, so I walked away, hiding the tears that burned my eyes.

He caught up to me in the elevator, and I immediately felt a rush of emotions. My face was damp from the tears I could not contain. With my hands trembling, I instinctively covered my face, desperately trying to hide my vulnerability.

As if sensing my distress, he gently took off my hoodie and looked at me with concern. "Are you okay?" he asked. Hisvoice was filled with genuine worry. Unable to meet his gaze, I kept my head down, shielding my eyes from his view.

At that moment, despite the pain and turmoil within, a glimmer of hope penetrated. The elevator door opened, and I couldn't help but walk out.

He stopped walking beside me and asked me to stop confusing him. I wanted to talk, explain myself, and share my thoughts. But deep down, I didn't trust my voice not to betray me. So, I kept quiet, holding back the words begging to escape my lips. It was a struggle to remain silent and suppress the urge to express myself. I watched him walk away, feeling regret. Perhaps it was for the best that I didn't say anything. Sometimes silence is the loudest statement of all.

I entered my room and stripped off my clothes. I walked into the shower and let the hot water wash away my tears. I cried my heart out in the shower, feeling the emotions boiling inside me. As I washed away my tears. I eventually emerged from the shower after the water ran cold.

I dialed Lee's number, and he picked up on the second ring. I asked him to find out everything about the guy and Sean, hoping he could shed some light on the mysterious situation.

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