Please don't get pregnant.

253 28 13

Zhan's Pov.

Grandma, please tell mom. I promise I will be safe and stay with Grandpa. I pleaded.

"I can't let you leave alone, Mama," my mom sighed as she fixed the rope to the needle on her sewing machine.

I remember asking my mom why she sewed a long time ago. She said it made her forget about reality and channeled her emotions into something productive. I learned to sew as well, and it has become a meditation for me. Now, when I'm feeling overwhelmed, I take out my sewing machine and get lost in creating something.

"Stop calling me Mama when we are alone, Mother," I teased, trying to lighten the mood. She smiled, her eyes twinkling.

Grandma stared at me, stern and unyielding. I knew that look all too well, and I quickly apologized for my words.

Grandma, please. I have not left this house for 18 years. I was homeschooled, sitting with my cousins in their sexual education class. The only time I step out is when we have a doctor's appointment or go to the mall. I am off to college in three months, and Grandpa promised to pick me up at the airport.

"I will drop you off myself and call you every day. If your grandfather complains, I will pick you up myself," Grandma said, giving my mother a look that said it was okay. "He is not a baby."

I squealed and hugged her tightly. "Thank you, Grandma! I love you the most!"

"You spoil him, Mother," my mom said, still uncomfortable with me traveling alone.

"He is a grown man now and can take care of himself. He's been cooped up in this house for too long and needs to experience the world." Grandma smiled.

"How long are you staying?" my mom asked.

"It might be a week or a month," I pouted. "I'm going to see your father, and I have until three months before school starts."

My mom grumbled while my grandmother laughed. I understood she was reluctant to let me leave, but I wanted to leave this house and dress like a boy for once. I had been stuck in the same routine for so long, and I wanted to explore and experience something new. Plus, I was determined to prove to my mom that I could take care of myself.

Throughout my life, I have struggled with my gender identity. From a young age, I have dressed like a girl. However, deep down, there has always been a part of me that yearns to rip off that facade. Unfortunately, my grandmother, with her unwavering influence, ensured that I never had the chance to express my true self or confide in anyone within our close-knit estate. This suppression has left me feeling overwhelmed, particularly when navigating the unfamiliar territory of sexual education classes. These classes were conducted in our own homes.

After my dad died, my mom said she had no interest in inheriting his company. Instead, my dad's oldest brother, uncle Lee, stepped up and assumed the company's running responsibility. He has managed the business since. Uncle Lee sends money to my mom monthly. These funds are then deposited into my account.

I left my mom and grandma in the living room and headed to my room to pack. It felt bittersweet, as I knew I would miss them both dearly. Although my grandma is technically my father's mom, she always treats my mom like her own daughter.

Growing up, I witnessed the beautiful bond between my mom and grandma. They shared laughter, tears, and countless memories. From cooking family recipes to imparting wisdom, my grandma has been a guiding light in my mom's life.

As I packed, I couldn't help but reflect on the moments we've shared as a family. My mom and grandma have been constants in my life. Their presence has shaped me into the person I am today.

As I closed my suitcase, I took a deep breath, ready to embark on this upcoming adventure. I walked back to the living room, where my mom and grandma were patiently waiting. Their smiles reassured me that everything would be alright.

Yin just booked you a flight for 9 a.m. tomorrow, so go to sleep. I have already told Lee that you are traveling to your grandfather's place. My grandma kissed me and shooed me to my room.

I quickly kissed my mom goodnight, excitement building as I thought about the next day's journey. With a smile on my face, I walked to my room, ready to drift off to sleep.

I woke up around 7 a.m., as the airport was approximately an hour away from our location. Being aware of the time constraint, I prepared quickly and got ready in no time. As I stepped out of my room, Uncle Lee was waiting in the living room. To my surprise, both my mom and grandma were also present, both engaged in an argument with him.

"Get back inside. You're not going anywhere." Uncle Lee sneered at me.

I was surprised, not expecting this sudden turn of events. I glanced at my mom and grandma, both looking at me with surprise.

"Lee, Mama is traveling to see my dad. I will drop her off at the airport, and my dad will pick her up himself. She is not a child and can't be cooped up in the house." My mom told him coldly.

Uncle Lee's face reddened with anger, and he yelled, "That's how they get reckless; if you get pregnant in this house, I will remove it with my foot!" He glared at me, making me feel uncomfortable. My mom and grandma both stepped in front of me protectively, glaring at Uncle Lee in a way I had never seen before.

"Lee, don't you dare talk to my daughter like that? I trust her, and I know she can handle herself." My mom replied.

My grandma then hissed at him with her famous stern stare, telling him she would not tolerate his behavior. Grandma intimidated Uncle Lee, who muttered something under his breath before leaving.

With a menacing look, he hissed, "Don't say I didn't warn you," before slamming the door behind him.

"Please don't get pregnant." My mom teased me before grabbing her car key and my luggage.

Grandma chuckled and said, "I'm glad he is a boy because, with this look, he would get pregnant before 19!" We all laughed as Mom rolled her eyes and said, "Come on, let's go!"

𝖂𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now