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Going somewhere? I question Yanli, who is sneaking out of the room. She turns and looks back at me. She portrays a startled expression, like a deer caught in the headlights. Her adorable puppy face transforms into a pout and a frown as she repeatedly pouts.

"I'm sorry about yesterday," she murmurs, her voice barely audible.

"I should be the one saying sorry," I replied, realizing that my reaction yesterday may have been too harsh. "I didn't mean to come across as angry or upset."

"I shouldn't have lashed out," Yanli said, sitting beside me on the couch. "It's just that I've been feeling overwhelmed lately, and I didn't know how to express it. I'm sorry for coming in late, too. I just needed some time alone to clear my head."

"I understand, Yanli, and I'm sorry I kept it away from you for so long," I said, taking her hand in mine. "I've been dealing with some personal issues that I didn't want to burden you with, but I realize now that it was wrong of me to shut you out. I promise to be more open and communicative with you."

"But how did you find out?" I ask, genuinely curious.

You cry all the time, but I only remember when I was 6. It bothers me deeply that I couldn't comfort you during that time. As I grew older, I understood more. When I was 12 years old, I started looking for answers. I hacked into your phone but found nothing. Then, when I turned 13, I searched your room until I found your diary. To my surprise, it wasn't in the drawer before, even though I checked it over a hundred times. Yanli sighs and looks down for a moment before meeting my gaze. "I couldn't help but read them. I'm sorry for invading your privacy."

"It's okay," I replied, relief washing over me. "I understand why you did it, and I appreciate your honesty. Privacy is important, but so is open communication. Let's work on finding healthier ways to express our feelings."

I agree. Yanli sighed deeply, her shoulders slumping as she released a long exhale.

About Blake, I started talking, but Yanli cut me off. You don't have to talk about him now. I will be here whenever you are ready.

"No, I want to talk about it," I insisted, my voice steady and determined. The weight of my emotions demanded release, and I knew that confiding in Yanli would provide the solace I desperately needed.

When I finished explaining to Yanli how I met Blake, her eyes softened with understanding and compassion. She reached out and gently placed her hand on mine.

I regret not complaining at first because, after I did, Blake opened up more to me. He spent a week with me and engaged in deep conversations like never before. During this time, he was incredibly free and called my mother and grandmother regularly. He even became best friends with my grandpa within one week.

However, I noticed he was careful. He only talked about his childhood... He never spoke about his parents, and I didn't push him to talk about it. Instead, we let that week be a time of bliss. Despite the fact that he never expressed his love for me verbally, his actions spoke volumes. He treated me with the utmost care and affection, making it clear he loved me deeply.

𝖂𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕺𝖋 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now