A New Friend

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(No POV)

Alana shifted in her sleep before she shot awake, she had a nightmare again and doubted she'd be able to go back to sleep, so she got out of bed to at least get something to ease her scratchy throat, she walked to the kitchen and grabbed a cup only to see her mama also grabbing one

"did you have a nightmare again miel?"

Alana nodded her head, then asked "what are you doing up mama?"

"ay, your papa came home late and drunk so I decided to sleep on the couch, but it's a little hard to sleep on"

Alana sighed, her father had a small drinking problem, but lately it had been getting worse, he came home later, drunker, and more violent lately, which didn't help her nightmares that now often included her hiding in closets and a lot of yelling.

she went back to bed to try and get any sleep but failed and ended up staying awake till the sun rose before getting up again to do her chores, but not before eating breakfast.

she headed out to the barn to feed the cows and horses and clean up in there which was, by far, her least favourite chore, because after a few hours of hard work she would emerge smelly and sweaty and hungry, so she headed into town to grab a snack from the bakery.

on the way there she heard someone crying and turned into an alley to see a little boy being harassed by some teenagers

"come on, if your dad really was alive he'd be back by now, just admit it, he died"

she went into the alley and stomped up to the boy talking to him and kicking him in the crotch, he fell to the floor in pain while tears left his eyes, she bent to his level and said "if I ever hear you say something like that, i'm gonna make you hurt a lot more"

"tu.. perra.." he managed to wheeze out

she grabbed the little boys hand and pulled him out of the alley and looked into his eyes

"are you okay?" she asked

he slowly nodded

"do you want to go to the bakery, then I can take you home"

he nodded again

they started walking to the bakery and got their food before going to the little kids house

"we're here now, my name is Alana by the way" she told him

"my name is Diego, thank you for the food and for your help" he said quietly

she watched him walk up to the door and have two old people pull him inside, and she remembered what the guy in the alley was saying about his papa, his papa had probably gone out on a patrol which can take anywhere from days to months, and then never came back.

her eyes started welling up because she knew the exact feeling, her papa had gone on a patrol, he did come back but it wasn't really him, people said he hit his head, hard, while on patrol, and the person that returned was not her papa, it was an alcoholic who only stood up to grab beer and to terrorize her and mama.

she looked at the distant mountains wistfully, quickly spotting the one split clean in half, it was said by travelers and merchants that in the ring of mountains was a haven, safe from monsters, protected by a magical barrier and guardians with special powers, no one believed it though, after all it was just some tall tale spun by bored travelers, but she still wished with all her heart that it were real, so she could escape from the monsters, from the raiders, from her imposter papa, from the emptiness, she dreamed of a place her and mama could live in peace.

she snapped out of her daydream and looked to her right to see a yellow butterfly land on her finger and chuckled before heading home, but before she even got inside she heard yelling, this wasn't uncommon but her dad was usually home a lot later.

she ran inside to see her "papa" yelling at mama, she also saw two half packed suitcases on the couch, her papa didn't seem to notice her yet so she darted in and grabbed one of the suitcases and saw her clothes and other things in it, then she got the other one and saw her mamas clothes inside, was her mama planning to run away with her? the next words papa spoke confirmed her thoughts

"you wouldn't last a day without me, I do everything for you and you're trying to leave me? and take my daughter with you? you know what, if you're gonna be ungrateful then leave, and take that little shit with you!" he screamed at her

she swiftly grabbed Alanas hand and the suitcases and said

"then i'm leaving right now, and I don't ever want to see you again"

Alana and her mama started walking but it wasn't long before Alana asked " where are we going mama?" Her mama sighed and smiled at her daughter and said "we'll head towards the mountains, to a better place" .

Thoughts of the magical place in the mountains filled Alanas head and despite the situation they were in she had a large smile.


New character!! She is the same age as Luisa which is nine in this chapter
I will be doing more chapters with her but most are with Luisa

Also pic at top is what she looks like just imagine it younger also I accidentally kept alternating Alanas pronouns with some random yous and yours in the rough draft so if you see any it was an accident

noone likes dad

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