A Break

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!!!more smut in this one, skip if ya not into it!!!!

(Alana POV)

I watched my girlfriend work herself to near exhaustion again, she took breaks every couple of weeks but it wasn't enough to sustain her unhealthy work ethic, the bags under her eyes were prominent and her tiredness showed in her posture and attitude, she slumped everywhere and was always tensed up, she had a short fuse and got frustrated at the smallest things, I had to help her and I got an idea of how.

I went back to casita and told Mirabel to get Luisa here, then I told Dolores to put on some hearing protection, then I went into her room to wait.

(Luisa POV)

I was doing my chores again, Alana had told me to take a break today but I didn't want to, I know it might be unhealthy but i'm still standing aren't I? I was moving the church again when Mirabel came up to me

"hey Lu, you need to go back to casita"

"what for?"

"Alana said she needs to tell you something"

I put down the church in its new spot then started to head back to casita, wondering what Alana wanted to tell me, when I got inside I didn't see her anywhere, so I checked my room and saw her sitting in my bed, gesturing for me to come sit with her and I complied.

as I soon as I sat down she started peppering my face with kisses, I giggled "alright, you got your girlfriend kisses for the day, now I have to get back to my chores" and I tried to stand, but she had wrapped herself around my arm and was pulling me down, and continued to do that every time I got up.

she pushed me back so I was sitting against the wall and she sat on my lap and started kissing me

"alright, whats gotten into you today?"

she leaned down to my ear and seductively whispered "you"

I looked down and realized she had started undoing my belt "oh, you're in that mood, um alright, I guess chores can wait"

she smiled at me and started unbuttoning my shirt, then she leaned down to me again and asked "hey babe, can I try something?"

"alright, sure" I was curious and she took off my shirt, then gestured for my wrists, which I held out to her and she took my belt and tied them together

"too tight?"

"no it's fine"

"alright, try not to break the belt and tell me if you want to stop, okay?"


she put my hands over my head and secured them to a bedpost then took a separate piece of fabric and tied it over my eyes.

(no POV)

Alana straddled her larger girlfriend and leaned down to kiss her, then started kissing her jawline, then her neck, she could feel Luisas muscles tense and relax underneath her and she loved it, she ran her hands along her shoulders and then her biceps, occasionally giving them a squeeze and making Luisa groan, Alana traced her scars and kissed them then she ran her hand down Luisas chest and to her abs, Luisa grunted and strained against the restraints, but still was careful not to break them.

Alana hand had eventually found its way into her pants and was stroking her growing bulge that was straining against her shorts, trying free itself from its cage, and Luisa gave some small thrusts into her hand and was panting now, Alana started to grind against it while letting out small moans, then suddenly removed herself, making Luisa whine.

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