A Killer

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(Luisa POV)

I was having a great dream when I was woken by Dolores, she looked distressed

"Dolores, what's the matter"

"we have to go into town, now!"

I jumped out of bed and rushed downstairs to see my family ready to leave into town, but there was still no Alana, or Mirabel

"guys whats going on, where's Alana and Mirabel"

my mama answered "there are bad people attacking the town, they- they have them, they took them last night"

I grew angry, "then what are we waiting for, we have to get down there now" we rushed out the door and as I approached town I saw people being led out of their homes and to town centre by raiders, that had to be where they had them, so we ran in ready to fight when we heard a shout behind us and turned around to see Daniela standing over a tied up Mirabel and Alana

"all of you surrender, or I'll kill these two"

I growled, but eventually let them tie my hands, as did the rest of my family, while Daniela darkly chuckled and announced

"my first order of business as your new ruler will be to kill the Madrigals, they are much too powerful and I can't risk an uprising against me, you can all take this as a warning to any who oppose me!"

I heard some sobs, some screams, some pleading and begging, but I didn't say anything, my ears were ringing and my body felt numb, all the time I spent protecting my family from danger, even with all my strength and all my scars I felt powerless here, my family was going to die and I couldn't do anything about it, Daniela asked "so, who wants to go first" and no one responded

"well, if no one volunteers we'll just have to start with the youngest"

one of the men went to grab a crying Antonio from a sobbing Pepa, rain washed everyone around her while she pleaded

"please! please spare him! he's just a child! please take m-"

I interrupted "i'll go first, you can kill me first"

Daniela smirked "now that wasn't so hard, was it" and the men put Antonio back with his mama.

I was roughly pulled to a raised platform in the centre of town, my family screamed and pleaded, my mama was begging for the men to spare her hija, my papa hugged my sobbing sisters close while trying to shield their eyes, I didn't want them to cry, I hated seeing them sad, I looked at Mira and tried to calm them

"don't worry, just do what I say, okay? everything-, everything is gonna be okay, just- just close your eyes, don't look, okay? trust me, Luisa's here, i'll keep you all safe, everything will be okay, I promise"

she buried her face into papas side and Isa did the same, as if not seeing it will stop it from happening, and while I watched my distraught family I saw a glint of light flash off of Danielas raised blade, as she swung it towards me, intending to split me in half, I finally felt something through the numbness, I felt pure RAGE.

the blade sunk deep with a sickening shunk, deep into the muscle and bone in my shoulder, but I barely felt it, I pulled back sharply and grabbed her by the throat, applying pressure till a crack was heard and she fell to the ground, lifeless, one of her men tried to move towards me and I grabbed him by the chin and shoulder and pulled sharply in opposite directions and he too fell, his head almost backwards in his neck.

time seemed to be moving in slow motion, I could almost predict their movements and act before they did, I grabbed one and snapped his back over my knee, I pulled the head and spine out of another, one tried to get to my family but I grabbed him and held him on the ground, punching over and over and over again, until his entire upper body was a pile of red squishiness with shards of bone in it, some also embedded in my knuckles, and before I knew it I was surrounded by bodies, all twisted and mangled grotesquely.

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