A Stormy Day

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(Luisa POV)


I dropped everything I was holding and started sprinting towards casita, just hoping I could make it there before it was too late.

I made it there as the wind started whipping and saw tio Felix talking to my papa on the steps, tio sadly saying "I just wish there was something I could do"

"I know hermano" my papa responded

"shes not calming down, I don't-"


they both turned to see me running at them


I stopped in front of them and asked "what happened?"

Felix looked at the ground guiltily while answering "she spiralled, I couldn't- I couldn't calm her down"

"where is she"

my papa answered this time "she's caught in the middle.." 

tio turned his guilty gaze to me

"i'm sorry.. i'm sorry for putting this on you again sobrina... but please- help her, I-I can't reach her-"

I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled "don't worry! leave it to Luisa"

I turned to the storm, ready to help my tia, then I heard my papa behind me say "be careful" as I rushed into the wind.

as I ran through the wind my tio turned to my papa and said "i'm sorry tino" and my papa looked worriedly into the storm where I had disappeared


I forced myself through the roaring winds while yelling "TIA!? TIA CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" and the wind tried it's best to push me away


I could barely tell what my surroundings were anymore, dark clouds and rain encircled me, I heard thunder clap directly overhead and I flinched while covering my ears, then I looked up, I heard something, and as the echoes of the thunder dissipated a hiss filled the air, the storm seemed to go silent for a second as I realized too late what was about to happen.

a bright flash lit the entire sky, blinding me, and in a split second pain ripped through my body, I fell to the ground, I tried to stand up but my muscles felt locked in place, It felt like I had been stomped on by a Hellbore and my arm felt like it was buzzing with electricity.

after laying there for a minute or so I managed to find the strength to stand up and I looked at my still buzzing arm, my poncho looked like it was smoking and my arm seemed to have lightning engraved in it from my shoulder to my wrist, but I couldn't worry about that know, I still needed to find and help my tia.

(Pepa POV)

"clear skies, clear skies" I repeated this to myself over and over, but it didn't do anything to help, I hated when I lost control because I knew that I caused damage which made it even harder for me to calm down.

while the storm worsened around me my fear grew, what if I hurt people I loved, I hated to disappoint mama but I couldn't calm down and I just felt worse now, but as the wind pulled at me, threatening to blow me away, a pair of strong, gentle hands anchored me, a familiar soft soothing voice pierced the roaring wind, and I know who it is, there is only one person who can bear the brunt of my hurricane

mi "pequena" sobrina, always steady and reliable, it's hard not to feel safe when shes around, and she's always here for me

"don't worry about the storm tia, i'll fix anything that breaks!"

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