A Old Friend

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(Luisa POV)

I writhed in my sleep, a nightmare plaguing my mind, it was much mellower than some other memories I had had but it still bothered me a lot, it was about an older girl that messed with me a lot when I was younger, before I had gotten my gift.

I dreamed that we were racing on unicorns but hers was faster than mine, and after she beat me she grew to the size of a giant and stomped on my entire home, including me, then I woke up panting and Alana asked what was wrong

"it's nothing, I just had a nightmare"

"what about"

"when I was little there was this older girl who would always mess with me and sometimes she would hurt me, but she left to explore different places outside of Encanto"

I slowly got up and gave my girlfriend a peck on the cheek before getting changed, my clothes had been fitted to my new size, I wasn't hungry so I told my girlfriend "i'm skipping breakfast and going straight to my chores" and she replied with a tired grumble.

I walked into town and the first person to greet me was Jose, who needed help with his donkeys

"Luisa can you-" I turned around and he stopped mid sentence "ay caramba, what happened to your face, that looks terrible"

"its just from a Hellbore, I barely felt it"

he looked a little doubtful but didn't say anything more, leaving me to round up the donkeys, then he came back

"oh Luisa, have you heard the news, Daniela is finally coming back" he sounded excited

"oh, um, that's great, when"

"she should be arriving around noon"

I gave a smile then got back to work, I really hoped she had gotten over messing with me, she was an adult now so she should've, right? I decided I would just watch from afar while she arrived.

soon it was noon and Alana had finally come into town but she wanted to be near the front of the crowd when Daniela came, to try and get a good read on her character while I did some more chores, I heard some yelling and celebrating, when it finally died down and people returned to their homes Alana came to find me

"she seemed pretty nice, but she seemed to want to find you really bad for some reason, I don't know if that was a good or a bad thing"

"lets assume it was good for now, maybe she wants to apologize or something"

we walked along while I did chores, at one point I had turned down an alley to grab something while Alana started talking to someone out on the street

"hi, i'm Alana, we met a little bit when you were in town square"

"oh, we might've, anyways i'm looking for a girl named Luisa, have you seen her?"

"I might've, can I just know why you're looking for her?"

"okay, usually I would say no but you seem cool" I heard feet shuffle, then "that girl is kind of a little crybaby, and its a lot of fun to tease her" so that must be Daniela with her

Alana was saying something when I walked out of the alley to stand behind her

"well for your information, Luisa is my girlfriend and she is the strongest, bravest, and coolest person I know" and when she said that I picked her up

"aw, you really mean all that carino?"

Daniela seemed to be trying to process what she was seeing, before coming up with an insult

"so you think you're strong now because you got a couple scratches your mama didn't even care enough to heal properly, huh"

I ignored her and continued with my chores, in my dreams she had seemed like something to be feared but now that I saw her in real life I realized just how pathetic she was, me ignoring her seemed to make her angrier and she spat out a couple more insults before finally leaving us alone, then I turned to my novia

"my dreams really blew her out of proportion, she seemed a lot scarier in them"

"well i'm just glad that we can be public about the fact that were girlfriends"

the news that we were dating had spread like wildfire in the town, and while some were vehemently against it they couldn't deny how much I helped the town and decided to forget it, meaning we could hold hands and go on real dates now.
I finished up my chores by myself, Alana had gone to hang out with Mirabel for a bit and it was turning dark, so I headed home to get some sleep.

(Alana POV)

me and Mirabel sat on her bed, chatting about Daniela and other things, it had long since turned dark out when Mirabel stood up with an idea

"hey, how about a midnight walk through town, it'll be fun"

I agreed and we put on our shoes and headed into town, we walked through and visited some old buildings, climbing on roofs and other stuff, and we eventually approached a long abandoned building but heard voices coming from inside of it, we got closer until we could make out what they were saying

"-need to act soon, this town needs some new leadership, if we attack tomorrow morning then we'll have the whole town by sunset"

a new voice joined in, and it sounded exactly like Daniela "but what about Luisa, she could be a problem"

another voice sounding just like Andres laughed "if we just swarm her then we could probably overwhelm her"

me and Mirabel looked at each other with wide eyes, we needed to get back to casita, now,

we slinked away from the house trying to be as quiet as possible and as we made our way I tripped over a rock, I tottered on my feet and tried with all my might to stay up but was losing the battle when I felt a hand grab my arm, Mirabel smiled at me, then sneezed and dropped me, I landed on a piece of wood and the other end shot into the air launching a rock directly into the door of the house, creating a resounding THUD! noise.

the raiders were immediately out the door and found the source of the noise pretty quickly, and before we could even stand up to run they had captured us, they put gags in our mouths, sacks over our heads, and tied our arms behind our backs and led us presumably back to the house while we struggled in their grip, my mind begging for anyone to come save us, then I felt a sharp blow to the back of my head and it all went black.


just remembered Luisa has a cat, totes forgor about him, might do somethin wit him later

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