A Crush

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(Luisas POV)

since Alana came here my life has changed for the better, I looked forward to doing chores and talking to her, she tells me jokes and kept me company while I worked, and seemed to care that I was doing good too, urging me to take breaks, which I rarely did

right now she was drawing while watching me do my chores, the pastor had asked me to lift the church later, but I wanted to do it while Alana was watching, but I wasn't entirely sure why, so I lifted it, grunting as I switched it from my shoulders to my palms and I saw Alana watching so I gave her a smile and she returned it, making my heart a little warmer.

I started moving the church to its new spot and I felt Alanas eyes on me, which made me sweat for some reason, and one point wobbling and nearly dropping the church.
when I finally set it down to where it was supposed to go, I turned around and felt a twinge disappointment when I didn't see Alana sitting there, shes probably just having lunch though.

I started walking back to casita for my lunch when I thought about how nice the weather was, maybe I could go to the lake for lunch and invite Alana, now I was excited to get back to casita.
when I did get back I saw her coming out of Doloress room and approached her

"whats up Alana, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the lake with me, while Pepa's in a good mood" god, why was I so nervous, this wasn't the first time we had gone. she didn't answer for a moment I and got scared, so I snapped my fingers in front of her eyes and she quickly answered 

"ya I would love to, just let me get ready" and she ran upstairs, leaving me happy and a little flushed, when she said she would love to I felt a small twist in my stomach and I didn't like it.
I started getting ready and was waiting at the door for her to comedown, when she did she was wearing a yellow dress and her hair had a yellow bandana in it, and I felt that little twist in my stomach again, this time stronger

we started walking and she nervously said "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long"

"no you didn't" I wanted to say more but I wasn't sure what, why was it suddenly so hard to say words to her.
she looked great in that dress "you look beautiful" I thought, and I was scared when I heard her nervously mumble a "thanks, you look pretty good yourself"

blood rushed to my cheeks when I realized I had said it out loud, then got even redder when she said I looked good too, my stomach felt like it had done a full somersault and we walked in awkward silence for a moment.
she looked like she was gonna say something but cut off when we got to the lake and we started setting up the blanket I brought across the grass while Alana pulled out the food.

we sat in silence for a moment, neither of us entirely sure what to say, when I heard Alana say quietly "did you really mean it? when you said I looked beautiful?" her face was very red and mine felt like it was as well, all I could manage was a nod in response and she smiled at me, my stomach doing full backflips now, why did she make me feel like this, I felt out of control of my own body and I hated it.

I stood up when we were finished and started cleaning up, I made some excuse about being needed in town and ran to casita, leaving a confused Alana behind.
when I got inside I ran to Isas room, if anyone knew what these weird feelings were it would be her, so I barged in without bothering to knock and started spilling my feelings to her, not noticing it was more than just her inside

"Isa I need your help, there's this person and I used to be able to talk to them but now I can't because whenever I do my mouth stops working and when they smile at me my stomach does flips and flops and my face gets all warm and I cant control what i'm doing and I get sweaty and I don't like it-" my rambling was cut off by Isa putting her hand on my shoulder

"I think I know whats going on, come sit down" she led me to the bed where I saw Mirabel with sly grin on her face, and Isa asked me "I want you to describe this mystery person to me, you don't have to tell me who it is yet"

"well they're kind and smart, they have a cool smile and also make people around them smile, they have a nice laugh and they make me laugh" just describing her made my face warm and my stomach flippy

"ay, its happening again"

Isa giggled and Mira cooed "oooh, someone has a cruuush~" and I turned a bright shade of red

"uh, n- nuh uh, stop it Mira, I do not, besides there's no way they like me back" I looked at the floor sadly, and Isa put her hand on my arm in comfort

"aw, you don't know that, you'd be surprised at what can happen, love will find a way" and her and Mira continued to tease me and asked relentlessly who it was, trying to wrestle me into telling them.
I lifted them onto my shoulders as they were yelling at me to yield

"alright, but you guys asked for this" I grinned and threw them on the bed

"wait what do you mean, what are you go- uuffff"

I fell right on top of them both and they pounded on my back

"i cant breathe, get off you mammoth, you're crushing us, we yield we yield" they wheezed

I eventually got off after making them promise not to pry any more, they huffed but eventually agreed and Isa brought us back to the first topic

"so what are you gonna do about this mystery person, cause you cant just ignore your feelings, that'll only hurt you"

"what do I do then?" I just wanted this feeling to go away

"well you can either wait for them to confess, or you can confess"

I can't imagine even trying to confess my feelings, I had faced giant Hellbores by myself before  but just thinking of trying to talk to Alana make me sweat bullets, I thanked Isa and went outside to think

(Isabela POV)

I turned to Mirabel when Luisa left my room "we have to help her confess, there's no way shes gonna do anything if we don't"

Mirabel agreed "yeah, but how do we do that, we don't even know who she likes" but I smiled

"well just have to ask someone who does" and with that I dragged her to Doloress room and entered without knocking, knowing she already knew we were coming and I was right, she was patiently waiting on her bed for us

"I know what you guys want and i'm not gonna help you, not unless you give me something in return, specifically, I want a new pair of earmuffs, I lost the last ones I had"

I looked to Mirabel who shrugged "we can do that, now tell us who Luisa is crushing on"

Dolores sighed and said "alright, but I want you guys to keep an open mind, love is a strong emotion and it will overcome anything in its way, even tradition" I just shot Mirabel a look, wondering what that was supposed to mean

"yeah okay, just tell us already" I was getting impatient

"okay, just promise you wont be mad"

"why would we- nevermind, we won't I promise"

"Luisa has a crush on Alana, and Alana has a crush on her, i'm honestly surprised no one else has noticed, they're pretty freakin obvious"

we just stared at her in shock, still processing what we had just heard and she saw the look on our faces "hey you guys said you wouldn't be angry"

"i'm not angry, I just didn't know that was an option, now that you say it it actually makes a lot of sense, i'm also now wondering how I didn't see it before"

and Mirabel snapped out her shock as well "hey, love is love, i'm not judging, but nothings gonna come of it if we don't help her, we know useless she is with her feelings" she was pretty useless with expressing herself, not to mention she was busy with work all the time.
so the three of us devised a plan that would force her to have to tell Alana how she truly felt, if Alana didn't do it first.


im so excited but so lost for what to do next, ill figure somethin out for sure, i hope yall are excited as well

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