A Feeling

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(Alanis POV)

"the magic village is real?" I shouted incredulously

Luisa chuckled and said "yep it is, but its called encanto"

"wow, I had heard tales of it before and I had always hoped it was real, but I never imagined to be here" I was in awe

"well, kind of try to keep it secret, we don't want to be overflowed, and we really don't want trouble, but when trouble does come I take care of it, that's where these scars came from" she shrugged, but I was outraged, they made a 16 year old fight their battles for them? what the heck and noticing my angry expression she quickly added "not by myself of course, I always get help for the big ones", but I still thought it was a little messed up

she started a new conversation "so what do you like to do in your free time Alana"

"well I like reading and drawing, and also baking," I said 

Luisa lit up, "really?, you should bake with my mama some time, she bakes a lot"

I quickly shook my head,"my pastries are noting compared to your mamas, trust me"

but Luisa insisted "that's just her gift, trust me she would love to bake with someone else"

"well, maybe i'll give it a try" I said reluctantly

Luisa had long since dropped off the bricks and was now balancing an entire freaking house on the palms of her hands, my mind still didn't fully process it yet, but Luisa was still talking to me like nothing was there,and we talked all the rest of the day before finally returning to casita and having dinner

Alma cleared her throat, speaking to me for the first time "so Alana, how long do you plan on staying here"

I stuttered a little, still nervous around so many people "well, I-uh, I dont really-" I was cut of my Julieta who stated "she will be staying as long as she needs mama"

"well I just don't like having strangers in my home, why doesn't she go back to her own"

I visibly flinched at that, the pain from it still too fresh in my mind, and Luisa put her hand on my shoulder to comfort me and sharply said to Alma

"things are complicated right now, she can stay with us and she can stay in my room"

Alma looked a little angry but allowed it, and after dinner me and Luisa went up there to get me situated, I went to use the bathroom, and started really thinking about what happened yesterday, shock had numbed its effects before but the floodgates of painful memories opened in my mind, I remembered mamas hand in mine, remembered her words and the screams around us, it was like I was there again, I slumped to the floor crying, it was all too much, too loud even though it was silent, too painful knowing I would never see my mama again, never hear or smell or touch her, and I was violently shaking and sobbing, not noticing Luisa walk in, she instantly crouched and asked if I was okay, I wanted to respond but i couldn't speak, or move.

She picked me up off the ground and easily carried me to her bed, i snuggled into her warm chest and gripped her like she was my lifeline, then I felt her hands grab mine and I slowly looked into her eyes, she started taking deep breaths, and told me to do the same, to follow the rise and fall of her body and soon our breathing was synced, and I had calmed down enough to tell her what was going on, and I spilled it all to her, while she just listened with concern and care, waiting for me to be finished but when I did I felt bad

"i'm sorry for dumping this all on you, you just barely met me" I said with a wavering voice and a sniffle

she quickly reassured me, "its okay, you just needed to let it out, I don't care if you just met me, I want you to tell me when you're hurting"

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