OS- Modern Highschool AU- Luisa x chubby fem reader

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First time doin a x reader, tell me if I make mistakes

(Your POV)

I looked at my reflection in the pool water, shooting a quick glance around before getting in to make sure no one was around, it was still early in the morning so I knew no one would be here but I was still afraid, I really loved swimming but I was super insecure when I wore things like swimsuits.

As I drifted in the water I looked at my body and squished my stomach, I wished with all my heart it would just leave, I tried everything to make it happen but nothing seemed to work, swimming like this always made me feel better though, here no one could bother me because of how my body was shaped except myself.

As I found myself thinking about stuff my mind circled to school and I felt a sense of dread deep in my stomach, it started in only a few weeks and I still had nightmares about it sometimes, mostly about the kids that made my life a living hell, constant bullying and mockery were all I could expect from there and it was bound to get worse now that I was in high school.

While I was thinking about my bullies it was almost like I could hear them, a little muffled, but their voices were definitly there, my head shot up from the water and I looked over to the railing where I saw them laughing and pointing at me, their leader, Daniela, saying "look girls, I didn't know pigs could swim"

They continued to mock me and my gaze travelled to what they were holding in their hands, I internally screamed when I realized what it was, my clothes and my towel!

I slowly emerged from the water and as soon as they realized I had caught on they started running, I had a mental debate with myself as I saw them starting to flee down the street, and eventually gave chase, my dignity falling further and further with each wet step I took, I tried desperately to cover myself while running but it just slowed down my already slow pace, and to make it worse they would stop every couple of steps to turn around and mock me, calling me things like "piggy" and "tub of lard"

Tears started to fall from my eyes as I chased them, their words cut deep and I felt a stitch start to form in my side as they pulled further and further ahead, I prayed for anything to stop them, the tears started to blur my vision now and a shadow seemed to appear in front of them while they faced me.

They ran into it and fell to the ground as if they had hit a wall, Daniela looked up to yell at whoever dared stand in her way but her words died when she saw just who she was about to yell at, the girl was huge, at least 6 feet tall, and was wide too, her broad shoulders completely blocked out the sun and she glared down at Daniela before snatching the things her and her cronies carried

"I don't think these belong to you"

Daniela seemed to shrink before running off with her posse behind, I just stared at my saviour who walked over to me and held out my stuff but I was lost for words, only managing too stutter out a "t-thank y-you"

I realized how I looked, a sopping wet hunk of flab, and looked at the ground in shame before wrapping myself in my towel, but she looked at me with kind hazel eyes and asked "are you alright?"
I managed to nod, still intimidated by her large figure, and turned walk away, but she surprised me by saying

"Hey, how about I walk you home, just to make sure those girls don't mess with you anymore"

I wanted to deny, I didn't want her too take time out of her day just help me, but she saw the look on my face and continued quickly

"It's no problem, really, I have to get a few more miles in for my run"

I reluctantly agreed, a little afraid of this girl but more of Daniela.

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