A Proposal

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(Luisa POV) 18-19y

I ducked into yet another alley as Alana walked by, still searching for me, I had been hiding from her all day but it was for a good reason, I just needed to set everything up perfectly then I can talk to her.

She went to ask Mirabel if she had seen me, but Mirabel was also helping me hide, so she pointed her in the opposite direction of where I was, and I ran back to the flower grove and Isabela

"Are you almost done?" I asked her

"Yes, just be patient, the more you ask me the longer I'll take" she huffed

"I'm sorry, I just want everything to be perfect"

"So how are you even going to ask her then"

I faltered "I-uh, i'll-, I don't actually know"

"well you better figure it out soon, we cant keep you hidden for much longer" she huffed, then went back to making flower arrangements

I walked away, deeper into the forest to think about how I was gonna do this and an idea started to form, this night was gonna be amazing.

(Alana POV)

I looked in town centre yet again for Luisa, i'd been looking for her all day and I was starting to get a little scared, had she left encanto or was she just avoiding me, everyone seemed to have seen her at some point so maybe she just didnt want to see me today? the thought stung a little bit, but I pushed it aside, she probably had a good reason and i'll just ask her when she gets back.

I walked through town and whenever I asked where Luisa was people would avert their eyes and give some vague response then quickly walk away, why was everyone being so secretive? I just wanted to talk to my girlfriend but I guess she doesn't wanna talk to me, I slowly made my way back to casita after finishing my errands and started up to Luisas room when I was stopped by Julieta

"whats wrong Alana? you look down" she asked me

"I think Luisas been avoiding me, i've been looking for her all day and I haven't seen her"

"i'm sure she has her reasons, how about you help me make dinner and we'll talk to her when she gets back"

I smiled, making dinner sounded fun, so we started preparing and time passed quickly, soon almost everyone was home except for Luisa and I was starting to get worried, noone else seemed to notice though.

I was about to leave and look for her when Isa pulled me aside, she also was gone most of the day, and whispered in my ear "If you're looking for Luisa you should try the flower grove"

I whispered a thank you and started on my way, why hadn't I checked the flower grove? she loved hanging out there, and as I got closer I could hear music and saw light through the trees.

I entered the grove and saw Luisa and instantly ran to hug her, I asked with a slightly muffled voice "i've been looking for you all day, were you here the whole time?"

"I was here hermosa, i'm sorry for hiding all day but I had to"

"to set up all this? the lights, the flowers, and music?"

she chuckled "yep, I wanted tonight to be perfect, dance with me?"

I agreed and we started moving to the music, then she noticed my sad face and asked

"whats wrong mi amor?"

I sniffled "well when I couldn't find you and you were hiding from me I was scared that you, that you wanted break up"

she gasped "no mi vida, I would never do something like that"

she leaned down to kiss me on the cheek while I cleared my eyes then asked "so whats all this for anyway?"

she stiffened a little bit and took a deep breath before stepping away from me

"Alana you are the most graceful, beatiful, and amazing person I know, ever since you arrived here you've made everyones life better, and I know we haven't been together long but I can say with no doubt that you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with" she got down on one knee while I watched in shock, was this really happening? "Alana, mi amor, mi vida, will you make me the luckiest woman in the world and marry me?" and she held out a box with a beautiful ring inside

my eyes teared up and I basically screamed "yes! yes of course I will!" I rushed forward to hug her while crying, this was undoubtedly the best day of my life.

we soon started heading back to casita while making plans that would most likely change in the future, and as soon as we got back we were questioned by Mirabel

"how did it go? did you say yes? was it amazing? how di-" she was cut off tia Pepa

"Mirabel leave them be, you have to help clean up dinner remember" she turned to us "i'm so happy for you two, I remember when Felix proposed to me, it was the most magical night, although I hope your wedding goes better than mine, and if you need any help with planning don't be afraid to ask me or Julieta" then she walked off to help in the kitchen

me and Luisa went to her room and chatted, then she asked "so, where do you wanna get married?"

I thought for a moment, "I'd say the flower grove but its kind of small"

"how about the church?"

"I think it would be nicer to do it outside, if Pepas in a good mood of course"

"well then we could do it in town centre, its big and its outside"

"it's perfect" I started thinking about our wedding "I just hope nothing goes wrong"

"don't worry, I won't let anything bad happen, i'll make sure our wedding is perfect" she assured me, then we went to bed and fell asleep almost instantly, her head resting on my chest and her large arms draped over me, I couldn't wait for our wedding.


i am literally two words away from 1000 words in this chapter, sorry for slow uplaods btw i just kinda been losing inspo, but i am determined to finish this story, leave some comments for oneshot ideas too

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