A Party

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(Luisa POV)

me and Alana were chilling in my room, we had just got married but nothing felt all that different, at least I could call her my wife now, she was looking out the window at the town when she suddenly asked "hey amor, how would you feel about a baby"

I nearly choked on air "a baby?!" I wasn't expecting that

"so you're against it?"

"no, no, the question just caught me by surprise, I think a baby would be great, I just don't know if i'm ready for that kind of responsibility"

"well you already seem to handle responsibility well, you protect the town and do chores all day for them, so I think you would make a very responsible parent"

"thanks mi vida, but i'm not sure i'm ready yet"

she reassured me "theres no rush, we can do it whenever you're ready"

I smiled at her, then got up to go do chores "sorry querida but my break's over, I have to go back to finish chores" and slowly got up from the bed, but she grabbed me and pleaded

"5 more minutes, pleaaase?"

she clung to me and pulled me down, but last time she said 5 minutes it had ended up as an hour long break, so I gently detached her and went to the door

"sorry mi amor but I can't trust you to actually keep it to 5 minutes, i'll be back before you know it" and I headed out the door while she grumbled

I went into town and started on my chores, lifting houses and donkeys alike, then I spotted an old man moving some barrels and ran to help him, easily lifting them over my shoulder and he looked like he was about to thank me when he stopped himself, instead angrily demanding "put those down, I can take them by myself"

I was a little confused "are you sure? you look to be struggling a little bit" and he hissed at me

"I don't need your help!"

I stepped back at his harsh words and apologized, then headed back to do some other chores, why was that guy so mean? did other people think that? do people not want my help anymore? I looked around but no one else seemed to be angry at me so I got back to my chores, but I couldn't help that those mans words had burrowed themselves into my mind.

I eventually got back to casita where I saw mama and Camilo in the kitchen, finishing up dinner

"mija you made it back just in time for dinner, go sit down while we finish up" she told me

"okay mama, but why's Camilo helping you tonight, I thought it was his turn tomorrow"

"well we caught him stealing food again so he has to help me with dinner for the rest of this week"

Camilo grumbled and I went to the table to sit beside Alana who was chatting with Mirabel, when she saw me coming she quickly ended the conversation though and greeted me

"hey Lu, did you have a good day?"

"yeah, it was fine, what were you and Mira talking about?"

"oh nothing, i'll tell you tonight, now lets eat"

we started eating while abuela talked

"as you all know tomorrow is Isabelas birthday" I remembered, but I hadn't got her a gift yet, I really needed to get on that

Isa didn't really look excited for her birthday and I could understand why, every year instead of having a normal celebration with cake and presents abuela just invited a bunch of boys from the village over and Isa had to spend all day "getting to know them", she usually just ended up helping with chores all day to get rid of them, most of the time with me because the boys didn't like bothering her when I was near.

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