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"Although I really want to stand by and watch, you are obsessed with that guy and are afraid that he will be plotted. Therefore, for your sake, I accepted your commission and tried my best to explore the Ryan planet before he set off. Karl said this angrily, then fiddled with the bangs on his forehead, and asked confidently, "Seriously, Zi Ang, do you really not consider me anyway?" You are also a child of a noble family and an instructor at the first university in the empire, so you should be worthy of it, right? Why bother to stick to someone's cold ass?"

Gu Ziang knew that the serious part was gone as soon as he heard his words. After saying that, the man started his daily teasing, then he withdrew his focused gaze, lowered his eyes, and stared at his abdomen.

The little guy in his belly was relatively quiet today, and it didn't make him feel as uncomfortable as he had the past few days.

Gu Ziang caressed his belly and spoke carefully: "I should have seriously talked to you about this before. I hope you won't joke about it again. It will bother me." After saying that, he raised his head and showed his face to Karl. A pleading smile, "It will really bother you. Karl, you don't want me to have to worry about you and me, right?"

Although such words are a bit heartbreaking, it can be regarded as doing whatever you want on the basis of others' affection and righteousness towards you, but Gu Ziang had to do this because he knew very well that emotional matters were most afraid of procrastination - confess if you like it, reject it if you don't like it. You must not procrastinate, otherwise procrastination will definitely lead to enmity.

This is exactly what he has learned from all the experiences he has had with his crush in this world.

Hearing this, Karl's smile turned self-deprecating. He raised his eyebrows and accepted Gu Ziang's rejection again.

There was no way, he just liked Gu Ziang so much, so he was willing to accommodate him and try not to cause any trouble to him.

"Okay, I knew you would say that. Then I can only make an appointment for the afterlife!" Karl's purpose of this trip has been achieved. He confirmed the safety of Gu Ziang and the fetus in his belly, and also confirmed his intentions, pretending to be relaxed He smiled and said, "Then I'll take my leave first. I still have a lot of things to deal with at school. You take a good rest and I'll come see you when I have time."

"Okay, thank you very much." Gu Ziang glanced at Bei next to him. Locke, Bellock immediately understood what he meant, and ran over to help him push the wheelchair towards Karl towards the gate.

However, Belloc still felt a little regretful. It would have been nice if the young master had invited Mr. Karl into the house to have a cup of tea and chat for a while.

"Zi Ang, I have no right to influence your thoughts, but... I hope you can reconsider your plan to follow Yu Feng to the planet Ryan. After all, the child is so old and can easily be in danger. If If you insist on going, then I suggest you go to a showdown with Yu Feng. After all, it is better to have him take care of you than to go alone."

"I will seriously consider your suggestion." Gu Ziang's expression was sincere.

Karl put on his sunglasses, hid the complicated look in his eyes, and waved his hand coolly: "Goodbye then!"

After Karl left, Gu Ziang stopped wandering in the garden, but went back to the room, ready to take a closer look. New mapping of the so-called planet Lane.

However, Gu Ziang hesitated between going back to his own room or Yu Feng's room.

Belloc didn't hesitate at all and pushed him to Yu Feng's room.

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