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Gu Ziang desperately tried to contact Yu Feng again, but the result was still the same as before, no response.

Gu Ziang's heart sank slightly, and he continued to send contact requests to Yu Feng over and over again.

If it was because Yu Feng fell asleep and did not respond to his contact request, Gu Ziang thought it was acceptable. However, it had only been more than an hour since the last call. Even if Yu Feng fell asleep, he would not sleep while he was on an expedition. It was so heavy, not to mention that this was the fifth time he had applied for contact...

and the prompt that popped up after the contact failed, from the initial failure to connect to the current signal being blocked, made Gu Ziang even more uneasy.

Gu Ziang was walking towards the room, but when he saw that he couldn't contact Yu Feng, he paused and returned to the living room.

This night, if he couldn't contact Yu Feng, he might not be able to sleep.

"Master? Aren't you going to sleep?" Belloc asked with his face raised.

Aren’t they all deployed? After a good night's sleep, it won't be too late to worry about distractions the next day. Maybe the young master's guess is just overthinking.

"Suddenly I can't contact Yu Feng. I can't sleep. I'll go to bed later." Gu Ziang glanced sideways at the sky outside. It was dark, no different from every night before. But perhaps because of his change in mood, Gu Ziang always felt that the darkness tonight was full of strangeness, a kind of tranquility and pressure before the storm.

Suddenly a bright light suddenly appeared, followed by a huge roar.

Gu Ziang thought it was really lightning and thunder and it was going to rain, but he soon felt the ground shaking violently.

It's not going to rain, it's not going to be an earthquake, it's just... a war.

Zhou Mu went back and saw Gu Ziang who was still in the living room. He was slightly startled and quickly replied: "Master, not long after I left the house, I noticed something strange in the capital. So I didn't have time to go home to see Gu Shuai, so I turned back as soon as possible. "

After all, his duty is to protect Gu Ziang.

Although he is the vice-captain, he mostly had to listen to the orders and arrangements of the captain Yang Xun, but they are both elites of the Guwu Mecha Team, each with their own strengths. One is good at charging into battles, and the other is good at concealing assassinations, and they often work together in combat. , so there is basically no clear superior-subordinate relationship between the two. He is very clear about some of the thinking and combat modes of captain Yang Xun.

Yang Xun led half of the people to follow Yu Feng to fight on Planet Lane, while he took the remaining half to protect Gu Ziang. So when Yang Xun is away, he can also take charge of himself.

In the time it took to speak, the one hundred and fifty people from the Guwu mecha team had gathered and were waiting outside for Zhou Mu's instructions.

The guards of the Third Prince's Mansion have also gathered and lined up on alert, waiting for orders.

"Master, you are inconvenient now. My subordinates suggest that you evacuate to a safe place first," Zhou Mu said.

Gu Ziang listened to the frequent commotion outside and asked, "What's going on outside now?"

"There are many mechas coming from outer space, aiming directly at the capital palace." Zhou Mu ordered people to summon all the mechas. He took two steps forward and gestured to help Gu Ziang, "Master, please come with me. Let's leave here first."

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