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Seeing that Yu Feng's expression was so nervous and that what he said was not impossible, Manny did not dare to be careless and took the relevant medical equipment to check in this direction.

"But... he was a semi-finished product before, so it shouldn't be possible for him to get pregnant..." Manny still had some doubts on his expression.

However, she did not relax the examination, and Yu Feng also waited for the examination results with a complicated expression.

He didn't know what he should be feeling at the moment, worried? nervous? expect? All in all, it was a mess, and I couldn't figure it out, so I could only wait in silence.

At this time, Yu Feng began to feel a little annoyed, why he accepted Gu Ziang like that that day, and even had him twice in a row...

If Gu Ziang was really pregnant... then... his own sin was not small...

the most important thing The thing is... he hasn't been successfully transformed yet. If she gets pregnant... it will be very dangerous...

When Yu Feng was thinking wildly, Manny finished the examination and said with a complicated expression: "She is actually... really pregnant."

Yu Feng was heartbroken. Shocked, before he could speak, he heard Manny change the topic and sighed: "But... this fetus is very dangerous, it is difficult to save..."

Yu Feng's mind suddenly went blank. This news was completely unexpected to him. For other things, according to his plan, he had no intention of getting Gu Ziang pregnant, at least not in the next two or three years - Gu Ziang was still young and working hard, and might return to school after working to pay off his debts. Returning to school—pregnancy is a huge waste of time.

He had even thought before that if Gu Ziang could not successfully reform, it would be okay for him not to have children, but now he suddenly got the news that Gu Ziang was pregnant, but they might lose the child soon.

Manny explained regretfully: "Mr. Yu, you also know that he has not been successfully transformed yet. Unexpected pregnancy is equivalent to the 'ectopic pregnancy' that women may have... The embryo implanted in the wrong position. I didn't think about the possibility of pregnancy before. , and now after an examination, I found that it was the failure of the embryo to develop normally that caused the abortive infection..."

After speaking, Manny directly took apart all the medicines he had just prepared. No longer waiting for the two hours, he lowered his head and began to take the medicines. Configure it.

"You mean..." Yu Feng said with difficulty, "He is..."

"Well, there are already signs of miscarriage..." Manny finished for him, paused, and added, " Sorry."

Manny injected the injection into Gu Ziang's abdomen, then used an instrument to confirm the position of the embryo, then unsealed a larger syringe, sterilized it, inserted it at the marked position, and drew a tube of blood.

Yu Feng was still a little dazed. He was stunned when he saw the tube of blood. Manny explained softly, "Blood remaining in the body will aggravate the infection. If it is serious, his life will not be saved. Moreover, even if it is temporarily saved, If the embryo is bigger, it won't be able to survive..."

Because Gu Ziang has not been successfully transformed, he cannot save it after conception.

Yu Feng understood the truth, but after experiencing this in just a moment, it was impossible for him to feel calm.

Manny drew another tube of blood and Gu Ziang's head moved and he opened his eyes slightly.

I don’t know if it was pain or if I woke up under the influence of the medicine.

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