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Could it really be Gu Ziang?

Gu Ziang's shy but loving eyes flashed before Yu Feng's eyes, and the affectionate affection between him and Gu Ziang when they parted flashed across his eyes, but he didn't feel like Gu Ziang.

There must be some details that he missed...

Misty wanted to say something else. Yu Feng waved his hand and said in deep thought: "I told my father before I entered the palace that I wanted to take care of Zi Ang, so I postponed it for half a year." We will leave in a month. This half month is enough for Yu Yang to do anything again.”

“My subordinate is just raising the possibility, as long as your highness trusts the princess.” Misty finally sighed, “My subordinate has been traveling all the time. I have had too much contact with the princess, and even my subordinates were not able to attend His Highness' wedding. "

He was just fulfilling his duty as a captain of the bodyguard - being suspicious of all suspicious people, including His Highness's bedfellows.

Yu Feng put away his chaotic thoughts and glanced at the galaxy in front of him: "Just rest where you are and send someone to check again."

"Yes." Misty put the medicine bottle next to Yu Feng's hand and poured it for him again. A glass of water, "Your Highness, if you still feel uncomfortable, don't hold on."

"It's okay." Yu Feng rubbed his temples, his expression gradually softened, "You're much better now."

"I'd better ask the doctor to come over and look at you again. Look." Misty was also a little worried. After all, he had not been with Yu Feng for most of the past six months. After he came back, he learned about Yu Feng's current situation and learned that he had not had a headache for a long time. He thought that his master had recovered. Unexpectedly, I suddenly fell ill again this time. Of course, it would be better to have it checked by a doctor.

This time, Misty turned and left before Yu Feng could speak.

The doctor was quickly dragged over by Misty, and Yu Feng had no choice but to let the doctor diagnose and treat him.

Medical technology in this era has indeed improved a lot, but people are still fragile after all and cannot be as strong as machines. Yu Feng was seriously injured three years ago, and it was a miracle that he survived. Therefore, even though the drug treatment would have sequelae, he still had to use it.

"Your Highness, please be careful not to get too excited, and don't force yourself to think about things that you can't remember. This will cause great damage to the brain." After the doctor made a diagnosis, he suggested, "I will give His Highness a brain massager later. Your Highness, Massage more when you have time."

"What about this medicine?" Misty asked from the side, "This medicine was used to treat headaches before, but it has side effects... Can you help me?"

"Okay..." The doctor took the medicine. bottle, he checked it several times with an instrument that detects the ingredients of the drug, and smelled it again. After the test was completed, he replied, "I suggest His Highness not to use this medicine again. I will help His Highness prepare a new medicine, and the effect will not be so good." "Meng, Your Highness, it's better to focus on physical therapy."

"Okay, I understand." Yu Feng nodded.

Misty sends the doctor out.

The people accompanying the army who are responsible for treating wounded soldiers are basically medical robots. It was Gu Ziang's suggestion to bring in a real doctor this time.

When Yu Feng thought of Gu Ziang, he thought of his interactions with Gu Ziang during the two days before they left.

There is indeed nothing strange about Gu Ziang. If there is anything strange about him, it is that he is more calm than before. He seems to have become a different person since the car accident, and... his memory does not seem to be normal?

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