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Gu Ziang kept his word. After he finished filming the drama "Quick Time Travel" at hand, he put down other work and went on a trip with Yu Feng and Yu Muxin.

The final ending of that fast-travel drama is an open ending. The protagonist stays in the time-traveled world forever and lives with his lover.

Of course, there are many differences between this drama and his situation - for example, the protagonist's lover later joins the protagonist, and the two people travel into a new world at the same time. No matter whether they are together at the beginning of the new world, they can always be together in the end. Find each other, fall in love, and spend a lifetime together.

On the other hand, only he knows the truth. In every world, his lover does not know the truth.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s good for him and Yu Feng to be like this.

If he can go back, he can go back. If he can't go back, he should learn from the protagonist of that drama and stay in another world for a long time.

I wonder how many different worlds Senior Yu Feng has thought about... can he be supported to stay forever?

The family trip lasted a long time.

First of all, the purpose of this trip is to ease the relationship between Gu Ziang and Yu Feng. Secondly, it can also strengthen their trust and love for each other. The most important thing is that I can take my little friend Yu Muxin to visit a few more countries and gain a lot of experience.

Yu Feng regarded this trip as a honeymoon trip.

They went to several countries and visited all the scenic spots, mountains and rivers.

The relationship between the two was quickly repaired and warmed up, and Yu Muxin also gained a lot during this period.

——The little guy speaks more fluently than before. He often contacts different people outside. His vocabulary and courage have improved several levels compared to before. He also learned a few daily sentences in foreign languages. Occasionally, he speaks, It's quite similar to that.

Moreover, Yu Muxin became more confident when facing strangers. Gu Ziang and Yu Feng also intended to train him, and he grew very quickly.

Either the world compares children to a blank piece of paper. Before they come into contact with the world, they are very simple, and it can be said that it is very easy to add whatever content they want to the white paper.

Of course, parents must be very responsible.

Otherwise, although it is easy to add content to the "white paper", it is also very easy to be "blacked out".

Yu Feng and Gu Ziang naturally gave their son an excellent education. They mainly focused on relaxation and fun, supplemented by strict guidance. There was no need to worry about Yu Mu's heart being crooked.

The travel time was extended from one month to three months.

After the tour, the family of three returned home.

Yu Feng and Gu Ziang gradually became busy. Gu Ziang was mainly busy, but he was much better than before the trip. He consciously selected scripts and planned working time.

Yu Feng's own group's middle- and high-level teams are pretty good, and anyone he pulls out can be very capable, so as before, if he has work to deal with, he will focus on it during the golden three hours in the morning. When he didn't have work or didn't need his presence, he would stay at home with Yu Muxin.

Yu Feng selected some more picture books and patiently taught Yu Mu Xin to study.

In addition to being busy with work, Gu Ziang also took acting classes, musical instrument dance classes, etc. By learning these on his own, he also brought Yu Muxin with him.

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