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After sleeping until about three or four in the morning, Yu Feng felt that the "little sun" in his arms had really become a little sun - his whole body was hot, and his breath was much hotter than usual.

He was startled, and his dazed state suddenly disappeared, and he woke up.

Yu Feng leaned over and tested Gu Ziang's temperature with his forehead, and found that it was indeed very hot. He turned on the light and saw that Gu Ziang's face was red, his brows were frowning, and his whole body was trembling.

"Zi'ang, Zi'ang, wake up..." Yu Feng gently patted his face, trying to wake him up, "Zi'ang, wake up..."

Gu Zi'ang snorted in discomfort, but did not wake up. He just turned over. The person snorted feebly again.

Seeing the sweat on Gu Ziang's face, Yu Feng felt nervous. He got out of bed and brought a towel back to wipe his sweat. Then he found a thermometer to take Gu Ziang's temperature.

38 degrees 9.

The temperature was really too high. Yu Feng didn't know if it was because he was too tired from the show today and had to go to the airport to pick him up in the middle of the night, or if it was due to physical reasons...

If it was due to physical reasons, or there was a problem with the medicine, it couldn't be underestimated!

Yu Feng changed into a wet towel and quickly called Manny.

At this hour, most people are asleep. Manny is certainly no exception.

Fortunately, Manny answered the phone a minute later. Although his voice was still sleepy, he was sober: "...Mr. Yu, is there something wrong with the child?"

"He suddenly had a fever. He was thirty. It's 8 degrees 9 and I'm so dizzy that I can't even wake up." Yu Feng said urgently, "I wonder if it's a problem with the medicine. Can Ms. Manny come here?"

"Okay, I'll leave now." Manny received a high salary and was flirting with Yu Feng. Even if Yu Feng's heart was with Gu Ziang, she would not neglect him - this was her professionalism after all.

It was half an hour after Manny arrived at Yu Feng's residence.

Yu Feng used his daily medical knowledge to temporarily maintain Gu Ziang's body temperature at around 38.5 degrees.

Manny came in a hurry, without makeup. The eye sockets of people from M country are darker than those from China. The pupils are blue, and with golden hair, he looks better than wearing heavy makeup. This kind of Manny is not ordinary. The charm, accentuated by the medicine box on her back, makes her look more capable and youthful.

I got quarreled at this hour, and I didn’t put on makeup, so I looked pretty good.

"Let me get the medicine box for you." Yu Feng went downstairs to greet her, took the medicine box and took her upstairs.

Manny was slightly startled when he saw Gu Ziang and Yu Feng living in the same room: "Did you...did...do it?"

Yu Feng shook his head: "No. Didn't you tell me not to do it within half a year?"

Manny relaxed. tone, and quickly stepped forward to check on Gu Ziang's condition.

At the same time, she was still surprised in her heart. Yu Feng actually slept in the same bed with Gu Ziang even when he couldn't do it. How determined he was!

But then I thought about it and thought, maybe...Yu Feng doesn't like Gu Zi'ang that much?

But she quickly rejected the idea, because if she really didn't like it that much, there would be no need to call her here in the early morning...

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