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Gu Ziang had always been free and easy, and under his influence, Yu Feng gradually calmed down.

there is always a solution to a problem.

He was so afraid before he faced danger, so how could he talk about protecting Gu Ziang?

In the next period of time, the superpowers practiced and upgraded according to the methods Yu Feng taught them.

Most of them upgraded from the second level to the third level, and only the changes in energy and spiritual power were more obvious.

But this already satisfied them.

During this period, it attracted two new waves of superpowers.

People with super powers come after hearing the news, and naturally zombies and mutated animals and plants are inevitable.

Yu Feng and Xiao Qinglong can deal with mutated plants.

Shengyi can deal with mutated animals.

This time the zombies were left to the supernatural beings to deal with.

Gu Ziang, the original chosen one, now seems a bit redundant.

But Yu Feng's persistence and love made others ignore this matter.

Gu Ziang also had his own things to do, including comforting Sheng Yi, taking care of Yu Feng, and teasing the little Qinglong. From time to time, he would do something intimate with Yu Feng.

He was getting along with Yu Feng purely out of love.

I didn’t feel any sense of urgency at all.

Although Yu Feng is a little better than when he first learned about the determined ending, he still feels melancholy occasionally.

He hasn't been able to upgrade to level five yet.

This time, after Sheng Yi accumulated energy, he upgraded Shen Mingyan as promised.

Therefore, there is a new sacred beast in their team - Xuanwu.

According to historical records of Xuanwu, it is a combination of a turtle and a snake, which is indeed true. It only has a turtle shell and a snake wrapped around its body.

In other words, it has two heads.

The turtle has a turtle-like head inside its shell and speaks slowly, while the snake speaks quickly and often interrupts the turtle.

On the whole, it is gentle in speech and has a bad temper at the same time.

Of course, it was still good in front of Sheng Yi. I am also happy to play with the little green dragon.

This time there are new people with natural attributes among the superpowers.

Not surprisingly, this person is still the leader of the team.

She possesses fire attributes and is currently at the third level.

Yes, this supernatural being is a woman.

Her name is Zhou Jing, she is in her mid-thirties, and she has a little girl with her. It should be her daughter.

When Gu Ziang noticed her specialness, she also noticed the specialness of Gu Ziang's team.

Especially Gu Ziang and Yu Feng, two people who were surrounded and protected by everyone.

Zhou Jing walked directly towards Gu Ziang and the others with her daughter in her arms. She glanced at the two holy beasts and Sheng Yi who were playing together, and was secretly surprised.

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