Extra 3

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In two days it will be Gu Wanqing's fifth birthday.

Yu Feng and Gu Ziang promised to give her a super luxurious birthday party.

"You have to fill in these invitations yourself. Whoever you want to invite, just write their name, and then give the invitations to them when they go to kindergarten. Got it?" Gu Ziang placed all the invitations he designed on Gu Wanqing's desk. On the small desk, she asked.

Gu Wanqing's hair is much longer now, with a small braid on the top of her head and a headband with red beads, and then a ponytail on the back of her head, revealing her beautiful little face, which is a little more stable than when she was two or three years old.

She was wearing the pink bunny pajamas her father bought for her, sitting on her own little chair, holding a pen and writing the invitation letter one stroke at a time.

"Dad, how do you write Zi Han's Zi?" She raised her head and asked.

Gu Ziang picked up her class roster and looked through it, then pointed to the name "Lin Zihan" and showed it to her: "Here."

"Oh...horizontally, vertically, left, right, click..." Gu Wanqing read it over. He buried his head in writing, still mumbling words.

Gu Ziang couldn't help but laugh. He grabbed a handful of the little white rabbit hat dangling behind her neck, pinched the rabbit ears on the hat, and put it on her head.

My daughter is so cute, and the bunny pajamas outfit is even cuter.

Gu Wanqing shook her little head and shook her hat down: "Dad, don't make trouble, my hair is messed up."

"Okay, you write slowly, I'll cut some fruit."

Gu Ziang wandered to the kitchen, Yu Feng said She has a good connection with him and has already cut a plate of fruit.

"Have you finished writing the invitation letter?"

"No, I just started writing it." Gu Ziang stepped forward and ordered, "I want to eat strawberries, ah -"

Yu Feng pinched a strawberry and handed it to his mouth. Gu Ziang ate it in one gulp, and also Licking his fingers.

Yu Feng: "..." He stared at Gu Ziang and asked ambiguously, "Is it sweet?"

Gu Ziang understood, leaned over and kissed him.

Yu Feng tasted it carefully and let go of him without finishing it: "Yeah, it's very sweet."

"Dad - why is this letter different from the invitation letter? Is it written wrong?" came Gu Wanqing's voice.

Gu Ziang and Yu Feng looked at each other, and they came out of the kitchen together, went to their daughter's side, and sat down one on the left and the other on the right.

Yu Feng explained patiently: "Han with three dots of water means tolerance and containment. When used in a person's name, it means that the person is very knowledgeable. The letter of the invitation refers to documents, letters, etc."

"Oh, that's it." Gu Wanqing Nod and continue writing the next invitation.

On each invitation, she drew lovely flowers, very princess-like.

After finishing writing the invitation letter to invite teachers and classmates, Gu Wanqing glanced at Gu Ziang and shouted softly: "Dad~"

"Huh? What's wrong? Is it finished?"

"I also want to invite someone to my birthday party... ..."

"Then keep writing..." Gu Ziang said casually, and then he realized, "Who do you want to invite?"

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