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"Mr. Gu, what do you imagine a happy marriage to be like?"

a reporter boldly asked.

Others also pointed their microphones and cameras at Gu Ziang.

Gu Ziang is wearing a slim-fitting black suit with a large V-neck, and the collar of the black shirt is loose underneath. There are white lines on the collarbone. His hair is fixed with hairspray, revealing his smooth forehead, handsome spirit, and gentle and picturesque eyebrows.

Since he married Yu Feng, the two of them have managed more and more group companies and related cooperation projects, and almost every cooperation has achieved good results.

And each time, it caused strong social repercussions.

This time, the two sides cooperated again. The reporter suddenly asked him about his marriage, and Gu Ziang was not disgusted.

He smiled at reporters and said, "Do I still have to imagine?"

- All he has is a happy marriage.

There was no answer, but it was better than an answer.

The reporters burst into laughter.

However, the reporter who originally asked the question refused to let him go and still wanted to know more.

"So, does Mr. Gu think Mr. Yu is a perfect lover?"

"That's not the case." Gu Ziang denied, "How can there be any perfect person in this world? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

"So, what I'm asking is In your eyes, is Mr. Yu a perfect lover?"

Gu Ziang shook his head helplessly: "He is not. Neither are we."

"Why would you want to film such a variety show? reporter asked.

"I want to tell everyone that no matter which path you choose, as long as you are happy, that is the best. Don't pay attention to other people's eyes." Gu Ziang said.

The variety show launched by his Xingyao Media this time is called "No matter what, I love me".

The name may sound egotistical, but it explores something deeper.

The show invited five very special types of people.

——A male couple, a female couple, a male and female couple, a single man and a single woman, and a single mother and her baby.

Human society has developed to this day, and a hundred flowers have bloomed, but criticism still exists.

Same-sex, opposite-sex, single, single and wanting a baby... No matter what type of person you are, you will encounter unfriendly comments.

Of course, despite this, this is already a great progress for society.

Gu Ziang and Yu Feng have been married for three years. During these three years, they have been as loving as ever and they like each other more and more.

A year ago, the project cooperated by Lee and Yu Feng received official support. After experiencing it, some couples chose to add a new member to their family.

Some couples decide not to have children after experiencing it and to spend their entire lives together.

Some single men and women who don’t want to fall in love but just want a baby can get their wish through this project.

Gu Ziang launched this variety show because he actually wanted to show more people a variety of life choices.

He wants to tell everyone that no matter what kind of life you choose, just be happy. Because no one can understand yourself better.

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