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The hot steam made Gu Ziang's cheeks feel a little hot. When Yu Feng stepped into the bathtub, he subconsciously moved his legs to cover himself.

Yu Feng chose between facing Gu Ziang directly or hugging Gu Ziang.

Because he had already felt Gu Ziang's nervousness.

What's more, being able to see the change in Gu Ziang's expression when he was facing him was quite new for Yu Feng.

"Is the water temperature a little hot?" Yu Feng asked.

"It's okay."

Taking a bath, it's better to be warmer than colder.

Yu Feng changed to a more comfortable position and stared at Gu Ziang.

Although they did something very intimate that night, this was the first time they were honest with each other like this.

In other words, in the minds of these two people, it was the first time.

Gu Ziang is a time traveler. Yu Feng suspects that there is a deviation in his memory, but it has not been confirmed yet, so he also thinks that this is the first time he and Gu Ziang have been honest with each other.

In fact, if the child in Gu Ziang's belly was really his, then he must have had a real first time with Gu Ziang before, but it was just because he forgot.

Yu Feng didn't dwell too much on the issue of his memory. After confirming the incident on Lion's Planet, his view of Gu Ziang had already reached a level where he could reconcile. As for the rest... it would probably take time to heal and verify, right?

Gu Ziang was a little embarrassed at first, but after soaking for a while he still felt uncomfortable with his head down. He slowly stretched his body, raised his head, and slowly aimed his eyes at Yu Feng.

The first time he glanced at it casually and moved away. Then he couldn't help but glanced at it a second time.

Of course Yu Feng didn't miss his little move, but he didn't point it out. He even cooperated and pretended that he didn't see it and let him see it.

Even if Yu Feng didn't change his mind about Gu Ziang, he still enjoyed being admired by the other person for his perfect figure - is it an attitude to love without wanting anything?

Gu Ziang was really satisfied with what he saw. Since he already admitted that he was a pretty girl, it was no big deal to admit that he was a body control person.

Yu Feng has been working hard in the military headquarters all year round, and his figure is indeed very good-looking.

Gu Ziang touched his bulging belly and thought with disgust, why not let him travel through time as a whole person but as a soul? If he had traveled back in time with his original body, his figure would be comparable to Yu Feng, and maybe he could seduce Yu Feng better.

In the 22nd century, Gu Ziang, who was a domineering president, disguised himself as a playboy and had a great figure.

When Gu Ziang peeked at Yu Feng for the nth time, he finally met Yu Feng's eyes. This time Yu Feng did not deliberately avoid it. Gu Ziang wanted to take it back, but when he saw Yu Feng's smiling eyes, he knew that he had understood his own situation. With a small movement, he forced himself to look at him.

After looking at each other for a while, Gu Ziang smiled first. Yu Feng's smile spread from his eyes and he moved towards Gu Ziang: "Would you like me to give you a massage?"

Gu Ziang hesitated for a moment and nodded quickly: "Okay." After that, he added, "Thank you."

Yu Feng After seeing enough of Gu Ziang's shy look from the front, and getting his permission, he stood up, moved behind Gu Ziang, and sat down in a hugging position.

Gu Ziang stiffened for a moment and tried to relax when Yu Feng put his hands on his shoulders. Yu Feng was really massaging his shoulders and neck.

After Gu Ziang completely relaxed, Yu Feng hugged him, his hand slowly slid down, and he gently held his belly next to his hand covering his abdomen, and asked in a low voice: "He is quite quiet today."

Gu Ziang nodded. Nodding: "Yes, because it's not time yet. After taking a shower and returning to the bedroom, he should move soon after lying down."

Yu Feng's hand gently rubbed his abdomen: "Then take advantage of him while he is quiet. Take a bath."

Yu Feng remembered what he had learned about taking care of Omega, and gently massaged Gu Ziang's waist.

Although the water temperature was a bit high at first, it stabilized after getting used to it. The flowing water and the relatively private bathtub space instantly brought the two people closer. Coupled with the warm temperature, Gu Ziang leaned into Yu Feng's arms and endured the pain. She couldn't help but turn her head and kiss him.

The system said not to miss any opportunity to improve the relationship between the two.

After all, he still has the task of loving his bound lover for a lifetime to complete.

Yu Feng lowered his eyes and looked at him. Gu Ziang was also staring at him with focused eyes. Seeing that he had no objection, he leaned forward and kissed him again. This time, it was not his face, but his lips.

The tactile sensation, like the brushing of a feather, made Yu Feng feel a little dazed. It felt like it was an illusion.

Although he has always been ready to take action, he has always been restrained. After all, he is afraid that if he is not careful... the gun will go off.

But Gu Ziang is also very abnormal. Last time, he resisted in various ways. Of course, he was not good either. Last time, he was tough... um... dominating, but the relationship between the two has eased, and the atmosphere today is just right. I can't help but think Do something.

Gu Ziang took such initiative, probably because he was worried about his leaving the day after tomorrow, and wanted to be more gentle and gentle?

Yu Feng turned from passive to active and kissed Gu Ziang's lips in turn - this was the first kiss in the memory of the two of them. They had only done other things before and had never had a tender kiss.

Gu Ziang's lips were very soft and delicious. After tasting it, Yu Feng came to this conclusion.

Gu Ziang finally fell into Yu Feng's arms, letting him do whatever he wanted and asking for a passionate kiss.

The heartbeats of both of them were a little fast. Yu Feng enjoyed the beauty of the kiss, but Gu Ziang was thinking that with another successful step in the strategy, could he and Yu Feng slowly fall in love and stay together for a lifetime? This should be one step closer to completing the task, right?

Moreover, it feels wonderful to be kissed deeply by the person you have a crush on.

This kiss made both of them lose control. Both Yu Feng and Gu Ziang noticed each other's impulses. Yu Feng smiled and stretched out his hand: "I'm here to help you. I will make you feel comfortable today..." Gu Ziang

fell into his arms and did not get up. , he gave it to Yu Feng in return. The two of them breathed from calm to rapid, then from rapid to gentle, and finally relaxed.

Yu Feng got out of the bathtub first, then helped Gu Ziang stand up, wrapped him in a bathrobe and carried him to the bedroom. After wiping them all clean, it was time to share the bed.

The fetus in Gu Ziang's belly joined in the fun and tossed happily for a while before stopping.

Yu Feng dried his hair, tidied it up himself, lay next to him and hugged Gu Ziang.

This time, Gu Ziang did not stiffen, but relaxed into his arms, thinking silently - it would be great if he could be this comfortable in the future.

There is the novelty of falling in love, the sense of success of officially falling in love with your crush, and a series of senses of security such as steadiness and peace of mind.

Then... in this world, it would not be bad to continue to fall in love with Yu Feng.

However, this is just his good wish.

The reason why wishes are called wishes is that they may not come true.

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