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This is the seventh day since Yu Feng left.

Although Gu Ziang was not to the point where he didn't want to eat or drink, he was always a little worried.

It stands to reason that he has done everything he should, and Yu Feng has also made all preparations. He has also taken away his Guwu mecha team. The safety index should be more than a little improved than before.

There were not many people in that mecha team, a total of 300 people. Yu Feng took away half of them, which is 150 people. It sounds like he didn't bring anyone with him, but in this interstellar era, it is different from the ancient martial arts battlefield. , one more person and one mecha will increase the chance of winning.

Of course, human life is still fragile - if it is really hit by a particle cannon, it will definitely be wiped out in an instant.

Therefore, in the interstellar era, people's protective measures for themselves are much more high-tech than before.

The advantages of Gu Ziang's batch of ancient martial arts mechas are flexibility and defensiveness. One to three seconds more on the battlefield is enough to turn the tide, not to mention that there are 150 people and mechas combined like this. people.

So why are you still so restless and worried?

Gu Ziang analyzed and analyzed, and finally concluded that caring about yourself will lead to chaos.

But Yu Feng, who was worried by Gu Ziang, is now in a smoother situation than Gu Ziang imagined.

The Ryan planet is divided into six galaxies, excluding the edge galaxies for the time being. Misty has already figured out the military strength of these six galaxies, and the terrain has also been carefully checked by Gu Ziang, who entrusted Karl to help. Yu Feng He has wiped out many star thief organizations before, so he is very comfortable with troop deployment and combat arrangements. In just one week, he had already captured three galaxies.

However... just because it went so smoothly, Yu Feng began to have doubts.

When Misty asked him if he would continue to attack the next galaxy, Yu Feng waved his hand, indicating that the operation would be temporarily suspended.

The army led by Yu Feng always followed orders and prohibited them. After Yu Feng's order was issued, groups of starships hovered in space, waiting for the next order.

Yu Feng's starship is at the front and center. He sits in the driver's seat and stares at the galaxy opposite, his eyes sinking slightly.

"Your Highness, what's wrong?" Misty asked.

"Do you feel something is wrong?" Yu Feng tapped his fingers on his leg and analyzed, "Our attack on Planet Ryan went so smoothly. Those star thieves are so easy to deal with. I always feel something is strange."

Mi Steve nodded: "Indeed, the information my subordinates found before is absolutely correct, but in this fight, the number of star thieves who can resist us is not that many, and their combat effectiveness is also very weak. The stars who surrendered The thieves even accounted for 60% of their number."

"If the information is correct..." Yu Feng's eyes gradually turned cold, "That means the other party has another trick."

Maybe somewhere, the other party is holding back one. Big traps await them.

After all, it had always been smooth before. If we continue fighting like this, some soldiers will inevitably become complacent. Once they become complacent, they will easily despise the enemy. On the battlefield, arrogant soldiers will be defeated. If there is a trap, they will definitely be defeated.

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