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Gu Ziang slept longer than Yu Feng.

When he woke up, he was woken up by the baby in his belly.

The baby is not happy because he can't change positions frequently while sleeping, and he is always in a still state. I probably want him to go for a walk and move around, and also eat something to feed him.

"Zi'ang, how did you sleep? But are you hungry? I wanted to order the imperial chef to cook some of your favorite dishes, but I don't know where this is..." Yu Feng sat on the edge of the bed uneasily, holding him tightly. He held his hand, and was worried that Gu Ziang would not be able to withstand the drastic change in the environment. He suppressed his uneasiness and said, "But don't worry, I will definitely protect you and the emperor."

- He assumed the role of Emperor Dayin.

Gu Ziang shook his hand and said, "Don't worry, it's already a peaceful era here. Do you still remember, we made an agreement to be together for eternity. Now that you finally remember what happened in your previous life, I feel relieved." "

Yu Feng was convinced when he heard what he said: "I see..." He helped Gu Ziang stand up and asked with concern, "What do you think, is the emperor going to be born soon? There is no imperial doctor here, and there is no Shen Xiuping. I wonder if you still remember the medical skills and can you diagnose and take care of yourself?"

"Well, the day will come in more than a month." Gu Ziang went down and led him out, "This is the medical center. You have one. My friend is a famous doctor, don't worry. My child and I will be fine. You hurt your head before, so your memory is a little confused. It will take some time to heal." Yu Feng

nodded: "No wonder you have a headache."

He took Yu Feng to Lee's resting place and asked Lee to do another detailed inspection on Yu Feng.

Yu Feng's head was still wrapped with a bandage, but his energy was high.

He looked at the environment along the way curiously, feeling uneasy yet familiar.

Lee asked Gu Ziang with his eyes. Gu Ziang smiled and said, "Please check your Majesty's body."

Lee understood.

He asked Yu Feng to lie on a bed, which was connected to a brain-detection instrument. After pressing the button, the bed slowly sent Yu Feng to the inside of the instrument for scanning.

Yu Feng was a little nervous before going in. Gu Ziang patted his hand before he dared to let go.

When he came out, he stuck to Gu Ziang's side again.

Lee looked at the scan results on the screen and said, "There is no problem. His condition is basically stable and his brain waves are no longer disordered. Just rest at home for a while and he will be fine."

"Thank you." Gu Ziang asked, "Then... Can you be discharged?"

"Yes." Lee nodded.

"Then I took him to my house." Gu Ziang said.

"It should be." Lee didn't stop him at all.

After all, he is a person who stays out of the matter. Let the two people sort out the disputes among themselves.

"You can stay at my house for a few more months." Gu Ziang invited.

Lee nodded: "No problem."

After taking care of the doctor's affairs, Gu Ziang felt relieved and took Yu Feng out of the hospital.

Yu Feng stayed by Gu Ziang's side throughout the whole process, but his care came from the heart and instinct. When taking the elevator, he subconsciously helped press the button. When walking, he instinctively supported and protected Gu Ziang. Seeing the sun was strong outside, he raised his hand and tried to use his sleeves to protect Gu Ziang from the sun, but found that the sleeves were no longer as wide as he remembered.

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