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Yu Feng felt that his consciousness had been floating in the vast void, as if he could not find his home.

He felt as if he had experienced many, many things, including laughter, pain, chaos and complexity, and also like a mess that could not be sorted out and became chaos again.

Then, Yu Feng felt as if he was being pulled by several different forces, and it was as painful as being torn apart by five horses.

He fought hard, but the forces were too strong. No matter how hard he struggled, he seemed unable to break free. In the end, his consciousness became chaotic and he was pulled apart, and he lost consciousness.

When he regained consciousness, he heard someone talking beside the bed.

At first, he couldn't hear clearly, but later he could vaguely hear the other party calling his name, so he tried to gather his consciousness to listen. When he heard the other party say that he was Gu Ziang, Yu Feng seemed to have a switch turned on in his mind, and he suddenly remembered something. , struggled to open his eyes.

Gu Ziang's hand was suddenly grabbed by him and he was startled.

"Yu Feng! You're awake!"

Yu Feng held his hand tightly: "Zi Ang——"

"I'm here, I'm here." Gu Zi Ang smiled, "You're finally awake!"

Yu Feng sat up and saw Gu Zi Ang. With a towering abdomen, a flash of panic flashed in his eyes. He got off the bed with his bare feet and nervously supported Gu Ziang: "Zi'ang, don't move the baby, lie down quickly, lie down -"

Gu Ziang was caught off guard and was helped up by him, pressing him down. On the bed, he stood up helplessly on his elbows: "Yu Feng, I'm fine. You just woke up. Don't move around. It's better for you to lie down obediently..."

Before he could say anything, Yu Feng hugged him fiercely: "Zi'ang, I just had a terrible dream. I dreamed that you left me and the baby. I was really scared..."

Gu Zi'ang thought of Yu Feng's memory confusion, so he took back his words and stopped arguing with him. Instead, he reassured him: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. It's just a dream. I'm here."

Yu Feng hugged him tighter and murmured: "Zi'ang, I really was dreaming..."

"Yes, It was just a dream, and now you finally woke up." Gu Ziang patted his back, "The baby and I are really here. If you don't believe me, just touch him."

Yu Feng let go of him slightly, reached out and touched his face again. He looked down at his belly, stretched out his hand to caress it, and then he breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the baby was safe: "It's true... I didn't dream, I didn't dream..."

He hugged Gu Ziang again, reluctant to let go.

Gu Ziang let him hug him, and hugged him tightly back.

The two of them didn't speak for a while, just hugging each other quietly.

After a long time, Yu Feng slowly spoke: "Zi'ang, is your father-in-law okay?"

Gu Zi'ang was stunned, not knowing why he asked this.

After he woke up, he didn't ask Mo Zixi about his parents. In fact, he already had a guess in his mind that his parents should be deceased.

Moreover, when did the two of them get married?

Marriage is a big deal. If they are married, both Yu Feng and Mo Zixi should tell him. Since neither of them said anything, it means they are not married yet.

But why did Yu Feng ask about his father-in-law now?

Ah, yes, actually, even if you don't get married, if you want to call the other person's parents, you can also call him father-in-law.

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