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Why do you love him?

Gu Ziang was stunned for a moment, and then said quickly: "I just love you, I love your face, I love you as a person, I love how good you are to me..."

"But we didn't know each other before, and it was just because of the auction. They had a relationship by accident..."

"...So? What do you want to say?" Gu Ziang looked at the familiar face in front of him, and the love in his heart retreated a little, and he gradually calmed down.

The Yu Feng in front of him does look like Yu Feng, and he is indeed the target of his strategy - but the other person does not have the memories of previous lives like himself - the other person's memory of previous lives is completely blank.

Are you too enthusiastic?

Gu Ziang retracted his thoughts, but was not discouraged. He had already realized the crux of the problem between the two of them: "You can't believe it, right? You think I'm just trying to take advantage of the situation, right?" He gently pushed Yu Feng's chest. , Yu Feng stood up and moved away from him. He sat up, grabbed his hair, and said with some distress, "You even think that I am so eager to seduce you because I want to get pregnant as soon as possible and leave you a child. Just get away and leave, right?"

Yu Feng looked at him in shock and confusion, and said nothing for a long time.

He had to admit that Gu Ziang's sharp analysis was indeed the biggest doubt that had been hanging in his mind for a long time.

He believed in love at first sight and love that lasted over time, but there happened to be another barrier between them - children.

The special nature of Gu Ziang being successfully transformed and able to conceive and give birth to children gave him the possibility of having wild thoughts.

Because these concerns of his are not unfounded conjectures.

After Gu Ziang reflected on himself, he also felt that he was indeed a little impatient and did not proceed step by step, which was why he planted the seeds of uncertainty in Yu Feng's heart. He took a long breath and smiled at Yu Feng: "I can understand your concerns. I'm sorry, but I was too impulsive. So... that's it for today."

After saying that, Gu Ziang got off the ground and picked up the bag next to him. Put on your pajamas and leave.

Yu Feng reached out and grabbed his wrist: "Zi'ang..."

Gu Zi'ang stopped and turned to look at Yu Feng seriously: "I'm sorry for giving you a bad impression. I will correct it in the future."

Yu Feng exerted force on his hands and struggled. Explained: "I didn't mean that... I..."

"I understand." Gu Ziang leaned forward, kissed Yu Feng's lips, and whispered, "I have no intention of paying off the debt and leaving, unless you want me to leave. "As long as you tell me clearly, I will never pester you."

"No..." Yu Feng shook his head.

Gu Ziang continued: "I really love you, but maybe the pace is too fast and you are not used to it." He stood up straight, with a faint smile still on his lips, "Then I will follow your pace from now on, okay?"

Yu Feng stared into his eyes, Gu Ziang did not avoid them, his eyes were still full of love. Finally Yu Feng nodded and hesitantly let go of Gu Ziang's hand.

Gu Ziang thought for a while, then leaned over and kissed Yu Feng: "Good night. I'll go to the guest room to sleep."

Yu Feng watched his back disappear from the door, and then murmured: "Good night."

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