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When He Lanting was hesitating whether to pursue him or not, Yu Feng had already led Gu Ziang and ran away for more than ten miles.

Gu Ziang still hasn't woken up, but Yu Feng is much calmer than before - he feels more at ease after confirming that Gu Ziang is "asleep" and not "dead".

The next step is to replenish energy.

It's just that Gu Ziang is special. In terms of energy replenishment in the traditional sense, he may need a lot of food, like "eating a cow" as he said before he fell into coma.

And if you don't replenish energy in the traditional sense, you have to absorb the energy of other superpowers to maintain physical fitness.

But now that Gu Ziang is unconscious, Yu Feng is the only one who retains his fighting power, and he does not dare to meet with people with powers without authorization. What's more, Gu Ziang was unconscious and couldn't replenish energy in a non-traditional way, so after much deliberation, Yu Feng chose a traditional way.

He ran in an unknown direction for a long time based on a sixth sense, and finally found a remote, deserted small supermarket and dug out some food.

"Fortunately, it hasn't expired. This family probably wasn't here due to some circumstances before the apocalypse broke out, and they couldn't get back here later. Plus, the place is remote, so no one came to snatch the food." Yu Feng thought while checking. Check the production date on each package.

He also found a kettle and a large bucket of sealed mineral water, so he unpacked it and boiled water for disinfection. He boiled the kettle three times before continuing to boil water to make sugar water for Gu Ziang.

After making the sugar water, Yu Feng waited until the water temperature was right before picking up Gu Ziang and feeding him water.

Although Gu Ziang was unconscious, his instinct was still there, and he swallowed the sugar water under his guidance.

Yu Feng fed him carefully, but there was still a trickle of water overflowing from the corners of Gu Ziang's lips, flowing down his chin, onto his neck, and finally into his collarbone...

Yu Feng suddenly looked away, wiped him casually, and continued more cautiously. Hello.

After feeding two cups of sugar water, Yu Feng was temporarily relieved. He laid Gu Ziang down next to him, let him rest on his legs, and put on another piece of clothing to cover him.

"Wait until you wake up before eating anything else, okay?" Yu Feng asked softly.

Of course, Gu Ziang couldn't answer, but his frown was a little more relaxed than before.

Yu Feng held Gu Ziang's head with both hands, and gently rubbed his head with the pads of his thumbs, trying to relieve his discomfort.

He didn't stop until Gu Ziang's eyebrows completely relaxed and his breathing became smooth.

After running around for a long time and worrying all the way, Yu Feng was also hungry now.

He opened a bag of potato chips, pinched out a piece, and touched it on Gu Ziang's lips. Gu Ziang didn't react, so he threw it into his mouth.

Well, the tomato one tastes pretty good.

"What flavor do you like to eat?" Yu Feng said softly to Gu Ziang's sleeping face, "I'll let you choose when you wake up."

After eating a bag of potato chips, Gu Ziang still hadn't woken up, and Yu Feng couldn't calm down. Angry, he couldn't help but poke the system and ask: "Hey, when will he wake up?"

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