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After saying sorry twice, Gu Ziang and Xuanyuan Che were stunned at the same time, and then they breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, and their expressions were a little relieved.

They both understand why the other person is sorry.

Xuanyuan Che held Gu Ziang's hand and said gently: "It doesn't matter, don't leave me again, just stay with me."

Gu Ziang nodded and smiled back: "Didn't I come to find you?"

The implication of this sentence is, I have come to find you, and I will definitely never leave again.

Xuanyuan Che obviously understood the implication of Gu Ziang's words. He excitedly held Gu Ziang into his arms, as if holding the rarest treasure in his life: "Then do you forgive me too?"

Gu Ziang listened to his beating heartbeat like a drum and whispered. He said: "You have never been sorry to me... It's me... I'm sorry to you."

At this moment, Gu Ziang has assumed the role of Ning An.

When Xuanyuan Che heard what he said, he couldn't help but shake his head in denial. Seeing that the person in his arms seemed to be blaming himself and wanting to say a few more heartbreaking words, Xuanyuan Che raised his left hand to hold the side of Gu Ziang's face, and lowered his head suddenly. Captured his lips.

Gu Ziang's eyes widened. After feeling the softness on his lips, before he could react, Xuanyuan Che gently stepped away and tapped his lips with his fingertips: "Don't say such words again, okay?"

Gu Ziang Staring at him, Xuanyuan Che's eyes were doting and gentle, and his eyes were full of him. Gu Ziang realized later that he was a little embarrassed.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Xuanyuan Che added: "Since God has given us the opportunity to meet again, let's cherish it and forget the past, okay?"

Gu Ziang nodded: "Okay, I will listen to you."

Xuanyuan Che lowered his head again , kissed his lips.

This time, he did not pass by like a dragonfly, but kept attacking the city, prying his lips and teeth, chasing the tip of his tongue, and melting a year's longing and love into this kiss.

The two of them kissed passionately, while the two little guys next to them tilted their heads and stared at them very seriously.

When Xuanyuan Che and Gu Ziang ended their kiss, Xuanyuan Che let go of him without hesitation. He lowered his eyes and saw the direct gazes of the two little guys next to him.

He was stunned for a moment, and felt a little embarrassed to be stared at by such a clear and innocent gaze. He stretched out his hand towards Gu Xiaoxi and said, "Xiaoxi? Daddy, come and hug me?"

Gu Xiaoxi saw that he was so close to his father, and he had a handsome face. He had a kind smile, and he himself had been taught by Gu Ziang to recognize him as a small wooden figure, and he had even called Xuanyuan Che's father, so at this moment he refused to recognize him and threw himself directly into Xuanyuan Che's arms, grinning in a special way. cute.

Xuanyuan Che couldn't help but smile when he saw his cute smile. Looking at this little face like Xuanyuan Kang's, he couldn't help but feel a special feeling in his heart.

This is his son, another son besides Xuanyuan Kang.

Now not only is Xiao An back with him, but he also has an additional son, which is an unexpected surprise.

Gu Ziang also wanted to cultivate a relationship with his eldest son, so he opened his arms to Xuanyuan Kang: "Kang'er? Can daddy hug you?"

Xuanyuan Kang was envious of Gu Xiaoxi lying in Xuanyuan Che's arms. He turned to look at Gu Ziang, and also Then he rushed to Xuanyuan Che's side, stretching out his little hands for a hug.

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